Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm totally slacking on this whole blogging thing. I used to be pretty good about it, but I've been all over place and havent really had a moment to relax..hahaa... yay.

Let's see... It's been a lil over a month since I last posted anything, and alot has happened. Eric is currently TDY, he left Sunday and he's coming back tomorrow.It'll be nice to have him back since I really do miss watching him dance around in his Under Armor singing silly songs to the dogs, lol. This is the first TDY he's had to do since we've been together, so that's something new for me. Honestly, it's not that bad.. but I know I'd be very bummed if he were to ever be deployed. BUT, he IS in the Military and it's just part of the job. I dont understand gals who throw fits, tantrums and crying frenzies when their significant other is gone for only a matter of a few days... it makes NO sense to me. There's gals out there who'd give their left arm for a week TDY verses 4, 6, 12, 14, even 18 month deployments. Yeah, I miss Eric, but I'm not going around bitching and whining for a pity party.. There's people out there who'd laugh at my stupid ass for doing that. I guess I gotta thank my independance for that!

I'm gettin' back into the swing of things with the Gym..since we got here, I've been bouncing back and forth with my weight.. I'm blaming the good beer and chocolate! The weather here is fairly tempermental.. one day it's gorgeous, then the next.. storms, lol. Oh well, it's something new to experience.

The Pampered Chef business is doing VERY well! I gotta say, I'm really happy for signing up and hustlin' their product. Last month I was able to donate $400 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation! How cool is that?? I have a rather large show coming up next weekend, so I'm very excited about that. The Host picked her theme to be pink since May is the official month for Pampered Chef's "Help Whip Cancer" campaign. I think I have almost everything together for it.. I even found some nice Help Whip Cancer items on eBay that they dont sell anymore. So, there's gonna be alot of pink :) I made a Raffle Box the other night since I'll be raffling off some pretty nice stuff for people. I'm still trying to come up with some game idea's and such so I can get people more involved, aside from helping me cut up the ingrediants and such during the show. Luckily, Amy (an old friend from way back in the day) also happens to sell Pampered Chef, so she's been totally helping me out and giving me some fantastic ideas since my Recruiter has been less than stellar about helping / supportive / positive...blah blah blah.

In addition to Pampered Chef, I bought into another company called Hush. It sells adult toys and such. Honestly, I'm really into this kinda stuff considering my old job and all.. but.. I'm starting to get a bad feeling. Given, living overseas is a bit of a curveball when it comes to shipping and what not, but when I'm quoted $5.50 for shipping.. then my card is charged $43 fo shipping (without any notification), that kinda bothers me. Not only that, but when I purchased my kit, I was under the impression that the kit that was shown in the catalog was THE kit I was ordering... ended up, wasnt the one I wanted. With all the hooks, dings, snags and issues I've hit just trying to get MY stuff.. I'm really not feeling very confident to sell this stuff to my customers. I don't want them to get upset with me as I have been with Hush's Corporate Office. I'm gonna sit on this for a little bit till I get some things figured out. If anything, I might just wait till I come back from California. We'll see...

Speaking of California.. I'll be flying back to the states a little later this month! I'm really excited to head back cause I get to see my little cousin graduate from highschool :) I'm leaving Belgium on the 26th and landing in Washington.. staying with family for about 2 weeks till the ceremony. After the ceremony, I'l be driving down to California with my Dad to see him and my Grandma, visit some friends and hang out with people! Not only that, but I need to stock up on some things Im in desperate need of since Belgie doesn't exactly have the most price friendly economy, lol.

About a week or so ago, Eric and I went on a Beer Brewery Tour. It was awesome!! We checked out Bosteel Brewery, and I guess they've been around since atleast 1600 or something. I dunno, but we checked out Kwak, Triple Karmeliet as well as Deuce (a beer champagne). After the toure and such, we got to taste all 3 beers.. and lemme tell ya something.. Belgians must have a motto of "Go Big or Go Home!" because all the beers I've found here are atleast 8% or 11% alcohol. It kicks you in the ass! Along with Eric and myself, we were there with 30 of his coworkers... all of us got pretty tanked off the beer, which was awesome. We all bought our souveiners (I got some Kwak and Triple Karmeliet) and piled back on the "Drunk Bus".It was pretty entertaining since on the way home.. they unleashed all of us on a poor McDonalds, so they were bombarded with 34 people that had the drunk munchies, lol. Ahhhh good times!

I think that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I gotta start pre-making some stuff to cook for tomorrw since I'm bringing food for Military Appreciation Day, in addition to helping with the enitial set up. Sounds like it's gonna be a good time! I'm making mini jalapeno pizza's and mini quiche :)