Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Good grief.  I've totally neglected my lovely blog for ...hmm... a week and a half. In all honesty, I've been busy between work, entertaining my Dad and fending off a rather nasty migraine.

In other news, we'll be leaving this Friday for yet another adventure! WHEEE!!!


This... is Berchtesgaden.

On Friday, myself, Eric as well as my Dad are gonna make our way down to Berchtesgaden for a few days (YAY!) and enjoy some down time away from Belgie. Not that Belgie is a bad place or anything, but we're needing to spread our wings and see some new places. While we'll be staying there, we're going to check out "The Eagles Nest" which is where Hitler did alot of his war planning in addition to vacationing (nice combo, right?).

We'll be taking a tour with "Eagles Nest Tours" (http://www.eagles-nest-historical-tours.com/ ) and I've been in touch with a very nice gentleman by the name of Bob. I believe he owns a booking company called "Berchtesgaden Accommodation 4U" in which he's able to locate decently priced hotels around the area and all that fun stuff, even though he's currently living in England... VERY nice man and VERY informative about everything you can do while you're visiting the local area. I'll put it this way, when I called him this evening to get information from him.. the call lasted 2 hours. YESSSSSSS, seriously...lol. Here's the hotel he managed to find for us that's across the way from The Eagles Nest:

Not too bad, hunh?