Saturday, October 1, 2011

Old Is Awesome

...well...when it comes to antiques. When you're eighty and acting like you're twenty, then that's not cool or awesome. It's just...not.

I can thank my Dad for teaching me to appreciate antiques and finding something interesting about them. Honestly, I think things were made WAY better back in the day compared to how they are now. Ya know, when things were made in America and not out sourced. I even appreciate things that are made in Germany, cause let's face it, the Germans know how to make some amazing stuff that lasts forever! 

When I was making some muffins earlier, I had asked my Dad if he had any kind of kitchen mixer I could use since I reaaaaally wasn't too stoked on mixing sixteen egg whites in addition to oatmeal, applesauce, etc etc by hand... so he pulls this thing out:

It's a Sunbeam Mix Master from ...ehhhh... 1957-1967. So, it's anywhere from fifty four to forty four years old. When I saw it, it's like "OOOHH!! Shiney!!!" and I started checking it out more. Apparently he bought this thing like a year and a half ago and never got around to using it. He brought it home from wherever he got it and stuck it in the pantry, lol. So, I diverted from the muffins a little bit and took some time to clean this thing up. It's in AMAZING condition! No dings or rust..ANYWHERE! I'm honestly shocked!

One of the really cool things is the settings. The end of it is a huge dial which CLEARLY describes which setting you can use (there's twelve in total you can use), ya know...mixing dry ingredients, or mixing a cake or even whipped cream. How cool is that? It's like a "Mixing for Dummies" kind of mixer. You just click it along to whatever setting you have in mind.

On the back of the mixer, there's an adjustment switch you can use if you happen to use a large or small bowl. When you switch it over, it actually moves the position of the mixing whisks around so it's angled correctly to mix the entire bowl rather than just a side. Know what I mean?

 One of the mixing blades actually has a rubber mounting on the end of it. Why? Well, it actually grips the glass bowl and causes it to spin since the mixing unit itself has a lazy susan on it. How cool is that? So while it's mixing, it's actually turning the bowl at the same time so your batter is mixed thoroughly.

Never mind the fact that 're the whisks are MASSIVE! They're larger than the whisks I'm used to on my little hand mixer. 

 And it actually came with two fantastic glass mixing bowls! There's no cracks or chips AT ALL in these! They're so thick and heavy duty..well, they gotta be for a mixer, but still.. I'm always impressed with the quality of older things.

 Last but not least, it tips back and adjusts for the different sized mixing bowls you can use.

As my Dad has been remodeling the house and getting rid of old junk that we don't want / need anymore..he always asks me "Do you want me to hold onto this?". Well, of all the things I want him to save for me, this is DEFINITELY something to set aside! It works fabulously and I love how retro it is! Now, let's just hope my Kitchen Aid mixer will be understanding ....
