Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Itchy Trigger Finger

Sorry it's been a little bit since I've blogged. Between running around and taking care of errands, then my stomach problem flaring up, I haven't been feeling too motivated to sit down and type out a bunch of stuff. So, my bad!

Let's see here... we're basically a month and a half away from potentially finding out where we're going next for our new base. I'm rather excited about it since I actually like (yes!) moving to experience a new place. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Belgium and all it has to offer, but I'm ready to find a nice place to settle down, buy a house somewhere and just have our solid foundation for "home" set. I guess Eric missed the window to where he could see what our overseas options were (oh well), so now we're just hoping for the best when it comes to stateside. Sure, there are bases that we specifically have in mind that we want verses ones we want to avoid like the plague, but that's all up to the Air Force in terms of what we're dished out. 

Of course when you're trying to mentally brace yourself for a big move, especially when it involves changing continents, you go through all the motions of deep cleaning / purging anything and everything under the sun you don't think you'll need / want / use. So far, I've purged my office...in which I didn't realize I had as much crap in there as I did! Next I'll be working upstairs in the "man cave" since I'll have a lot of time on my hands for the next several weeks, then slowly moving towards the garage since there's tons of stuff that hasn't been used in, well, years. Of course I can't really conquer that area with Eric's seal of approval since there's a lot of his goodies and collections boxed up. Heaven forbid if I toss any of those by accident. 

And, I'm guilty of house hunting & day dreaming of our new place. It's a little sickening. Since we have absolutely no idea where we're going, I've been looking up real estate for the bases we want to see what the housing markets look like. Odds are, we won't live on base since we both didn't like how the base housing was at Vandenberg when we were stationed there. Given, every base is different...but the outcome is usually the same: small housing for Enlisted folks and the homes are pretty shitty unless you're way up on the food chain.  Not to mention, we have a fair amount of fur balls that probably wouldn't be allowed on base, lol. In addition to that, *I* like having my privacy, which is a sparse luxury when it comes to living on base. Given, you can have nosey neighbors when it comes to living amongst the civilian population, but it's different. I don't know how to explain it, really. I would just prefer to not live in a confined military community, especially since Eric has just a little over four years left. I'd rather enjoy the last years, lol.

I'm ready to get this show on the road! It's hard to plan for things when there isn't solid ground to build it on!
