Monday, May 28, 2012

Hot Dawg!

This is Piper.

Also known as Peeps, Peeper and Peeperton.

She's my little rag-a-muffin side kick that I picked up while I was visiting family in California back in September through November. Over the course of time, I think I've figured it out that she's part Rat Terrier due to her wire hair, and part Yorkie because she has a really soft undercoat. All in all, she's a ridiculously cute lil gremlin...or as Eric refers to her, she's a "face hugging spider monkey".

For the last week or so, we've been enduring a heat wave that's pretty miserable. The main thing that makes it miserable is the high humidity. I'M not a fan of it because I have naturally curly of course humidity and I are mortal enemies..

...apparently Peeps isn't a fan of it, either. In fact, she's not her usual self..not bouncing off the walls, mauling our faces, running like a ferret around the house. None of that. She's just a lump on the marble flooring so she can cool down since I don't think she's used to *this* amount of hotness. Given, she's from California, and so am I ...but this heat is for the birds. 

After some debate, Eric and I decided to buzz her. Yes, I did some research to make sure it wasn't gonna mess with her fur since she's a wired hair thing-a-majigg mix. If anything, it's all meant just to keep her cooler since she really looked miserable. The dachshunds had already figured out three years ago how to ward off some of the heat by laying on the marble flooring directly under the ceiling fans..Piper isn't that sharp, apparently. She'll wander the house and sleep next to the water bowl. Completely pitiful. 


Once she was all buzzed, she had a nice cool bath and lots of pampering. 
Here's the finished product:


Truth be told, I miss her "mohawk" on her back, but she already seems A LOT happier with the removal of her extra fur. She's already running around the house, nomming on things and causing all sorts of hell. 

What have I done?!