Friday, January 7, 2011

Revamping Things

Since the beginning of the New Year, I've been working around the house..downsizing a lot of our junk and figuring out what we should keep verses what can get tossed. 

In the midst of doing all of that, I've been taking a serious look at all the junk food we have in the house and made a decision to toss all of it. I mean, ALL of it. No, this isn't a New Years resolution or anything. I just feel like I need to purge all the crap from my life whether it's environmental, nutritional, emotional..whatever. A lot of crap is getting removed from my life. Eric being the amazing husband that he is... he's completely supportive 110% :)  I think it was a real eye opener when he saw how different our fridge looked after I cleared it out, lol. Now there's only fresh veggies, no microwave meals, especially no microwaveable or oven ready junk food meals. I went through our pantry this morning which was quite daunting, ugh! Give, there's still stuff in there for treats once in a while when I want to bake something, but for the most part, there's a lot of health snacks or stuff that's very low in salt/ sodium/ carbs.

In addition to being conscious about the junk I'm putting in my body, I've been trying to get back into the swing of things with the gym. This time last year, I was busting my ass everyday which made me burn out. Not only did I burn out, but it seemed like I was getting negativity from people when I was posting about my stats (distance, time in the gym, etc). It was a little discouraging, not gonna lie. This time around, I'm going at my leisure and focusing on my cardio by spending about a half hour to forty five minutes on the treadmill. When I'm home, I'll use my Kinect system with "Your Shape Fitness Evolution" to do strength training and yoga. Once my dogs new walking halters show up, I'll be going on daily walks with them since I know Cole is needing to slim down a little bit.  Plus, it helps Izzy file her nails down since she's a drama queen when it comes to allowing us to snip them.

I'm not stepping on the scale. I'm not obsessing over my weight. I know I'm a chubster and I'm OK with that.. I just want to better myself and feel better. I need to find my happy place and get centered.


Kaysie said...

I love to de-clutter. Great way to start off the new year. :) I also hate when people feel the need to put in their two cents when it comes to how you choose to exercise. That bugs me to no end!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Kaysie. Good luck chick! Maybe we could do something together...:) across the miles. You can do it!!