Alrighty, so I did a post last week about Trogs. Since I have a bit of an addiction with them, I did some hunting online to get some sort of inspiration in terms of decorating with them aside from using them as a fruit bowl, or a dog toy bowl, or even a dog bed. Sure enough, I was scrolling around Pottery Barn and saw a good idea in terms of candles:
So, I attempted to copy cat it without spending gobs of money on high end candles. Plus, I also happened to have a "mirror" style ornament to put in the trog (like the one in the PB picture). The only costly part was finding a "filler" to actually hold the candles up. Between debating on rocks, sand, seeds and everything else under the sun, I settled on coffee beans. Yes, coffee beans. After all was said and done, I used about seven pounds of beans...and here's how it turned out.
All in all, I think it turned out pretty well. Not to mention, my foyer now smells like a coffee bar :)
In other news, I completely forgot about this awesome chair my Dad bought while he was visiting us back in 2010. Man, time flies! Anyway, he ventured over to the De Kringwinkel with Eric in search of a fairly reasonably priced desk since he didn't wanna use the one that was in my office. Makes sense, right? lol. Well, when they came back, they dropped off this killer chair:
I'm absolutely in love with the carvings it! Plus, the cushions are leather and extremely comfortable. I totally see why my Dad snagged this thing! Apparently this was the only chair they had, but it was supposed to be sold with a matching couch. Obviously, we weren't in the market for a couch...nor were we willing to drag it up the narrow spiral staircase to where my Dad was staying, so, my he had to haggle in order for them to just sell the chair. As you can see, he got his way:
I meant to blog about it forever, but I kept forgetting even though it's a really pretty chair. Honestly, I've been hunting for another one like it, but none of the ones I've come across have the carvings on the front and sides, which give it a lil extra "niiiiice" factor. Then again, it's probably for the best that I don't get another because this thing is HEAVY! Along the lines of..hmmm...50lbs? Yeah. Momma's gotta do some serious spring cleaning to make sure we don't go over our weight limit when the time comes to move!
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