Monday, April 19, 2010

Part 3

April 11th, 2010 – Tourist!

Once Dad and I were coherient and managed to get ourselves out of bed & dressed for the day, we toodled over to Grandpa’s house and picked him and his wife, Paula, up and checked out a “Car Boot Sale”. Just judging by the name, I assumed it was like a car show type of thing, but it was actually like a yard sale. People just toss all the stuff in their cars and sell it out of the trunk..go figure! Saw some pretty cool things, but nothing that we could truly live without. One of the places we went to had this sign:

Makes you feel like “Okkk, not really wanting to leave my vehicle all that much now” despite the fact that we weren’t all that far from it.
After that, we went to a nearby town and met up with my (I think I got this right), Half Aunt Juliana, at a nice little English Pub. On our way there, I noticed a Cornish Game Hen walking out on the side of the road and kinda pause as if he was reconsidering crossing. Well.. the bird figured he’d dash across anyway despite the fact that it was heavy traffic on a narrow country back road. He managed to get halfway across my lane when he caught a good gust of wind and flew up onto the hood of my truck and barely missed my windshield by mere inches (I was buzzing along at 50mph). At this point, Paula starts laughing hysterically cause it reminded her of an incident that happened years ago when my Half Uncle, Tobe , was first learning how to drive when he was 17 years old. I guess when my Grandpa Ted was teaching him how to drive, Tobe managed to smack a hen that was on the road. Seeing how it was now considered a free fowl, Grandpa had Tobe stop the car, picked up the bird..tossed it in the car and off they went. WELL… a lil while later, the bird actually regained consciousness since apparently it wasn’t actually dead yet and thrashed around the car frantically trying to get out. It scared the hell out of everyone since they thought it was already ka-put, lol. After telling the story, all Paula had to say was “it was quite delicious”…so I’m assuming the bird didn’t stay conscious for very long.

The pub that we ate at:

When we went for a walk after Lunch, we came by a nice area by the ocean and chilled for a bit:

Before we came over to England, everyone kept telling me that I HAVE to try Fish-N-Chips since that’s one of the things that the UK is known for. Sure enough, when I looked on the menu, that’s what they had to offer. SO, I got a cod fillet fish-n-chip. It was amazing and oh so heavenly! Luckily we went for a nice walk after lunch so I wouldn’t feel so guilty about eating something so heavy / fatty. I’m sure that won’t be the last time I have one of those while I’m here. I’ve yet to have any English tea, but then again, I haven’t really been in the mood for it either.

Since the hotel we’re staying at has a kitchen, we went over to Tesco and loaded up a shopping cart with some groceries. I felt rather dorky considering I always see Tesco commercials at home for goodies that aren’t available where we live..soo.. I managed to track down some of those things (cereals, dinners and such). I know for a fact that I’m gonna have to buy A LOT of one of their cereals here since it’s amazing (clusters of peanuts and caramel) since they don’t sell it back in’s the little things that make us happy!

They even had Cadbury Pudding!!

Sadly, I managed to get a rather nasty migraine in the midst of lunch and all, so while we were at Tesco, I picked up some meds to make the pain stop. It was pretty cool cause they have a pharmascist on hand to help you figure out what you need to get (they don’t have things like OTC pain killers for you to grab on your own), so she pin pointed which one I actually needed. Once we were all done pillaging the place, we dropped Grandpa and Paula back off at their place (stayed for a bit since Dad and Grandpa were talking about war stuff)..I fell asleep due to pain and meds, then made our way back to our place.

I believe we’ll be checking out some nearby castles tomorrow..I’m REALLY excited to check ‘em out! On Wednesday, we’ll be taking the train into London since I MUST be a tourist and see that famous place, invade their starbucks for an official mug and check out their museum of art. I just really wish Eric was able to join us on this trip..he’d love this place 