Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2 (again)

I forgot to post yesterdays weigh in! Sorry! Sorry! I have a really bad thing called "Shiny Syndrome". When I get up on the weekends, I go right into the kitchen and start making breakfast for the guys, then from there we go on with the rest of our the time it dawns on me to weigh in, it's too late. Sounds silly, but if Eric doesn't remind me right when I get up to weigh in, I forget (seriously).

So, I'm just a tid bit over what my lowest weight has been. Hopefully I can make some progress this week since we're heading out to Italy a week from today :D I'm a little apprehensive about the flight because of the damn seats. I love traveling, but not fond of flying since those damn airline seats are narrow. If you know me, you know I don't have narrow hips...momma's got some junk in the trunk, so those seats are usually my mortal enemy. I guess this trip will help me gauge what to expect with my upcoming flight in September (aye aye aye).....eighteen hours in a tiny chair. Shoot me.