Monday, August 29, 2011

Countin' Down!

Aghhh.. I have a lil over a week till I fly back to California! Aghh!! It doesn't feel like I have all that much to do in the mean time to get ready, but I'm starting to realize I really DO need to take care of some things before I leave!

1. I gotta find all the goodies I've picked up over the last several months I've been meaning to send out to people. It may not seem important to you, but it's stuff I keep forgetting to mail might as well bring it with me to just give to people in person.

2. I've misplaced my KBC bank card. You're probably thinking, "Erika, you won't need your Belgian bank card while you're in the US."...actually, I will. Eric has grown accustomed to me doing all the banking stuff and taking care of the bills. In order for me to take care of them, I need my bank card (duh) as well as my Belgian bank coder (pictured below) to access the accounts which I have all of our billing beneficiaries saved on. It's convenient and inconvenient all at the same time. So, I need to find my card before I leave..otherwise, Eric's gonna be a very grumpy man since he doesn't know how to use the online banking system. He hates using their system because it can be rather difficult to pay a bill (yet, I'm able to figure out how to do it)...sooooo yeah..gotta find that card. Soon.

3. I need to camp out at the town hall to regain my California drivers license. Since I needed to register here, I had to relinquish my American license in order for me to obtain a Belgian drivers license. When the time comes for me to go home, I just switch 'em out..once I come back, I switch 'em out again. Nice, hunh? The only obstacle I gotta deal with is the funny hours and lack of available employees with my towns Gemeente house. Luckily, I have a weeks worth of attemps in my very near future.

4. My health insurance company needs to be informed that I'll be out of Europe (where I'm covered) and that I'll be on the West Coast for the next two months. Hopefully, they won't be their usual pain in the ass in terms of switching my coverage. * fingers crossed *

Honestly, those are the very large things I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll remember stuff as I'm sitting in the airport England...or better yet, LAX.



Unknown said...

::happy dance::

When you headed south yo?

Van Hoesen Family said...

Come visit!!!