Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Damn you, Steve Jobs!" - Eric

I can honestly say that I really despise my current laptop. Really, I do. Sure, I should be happy that I even have one considering there are people out there in the world who are homeless, living in poverty, dealing with famine. Yet, here I sit..complaining about my technology. Alas, it's true.

My prior laptops (yes, that's plural) were all Toshiba's, but all worked fabulously. I think the fact that we're dealing with converting from 220v to 110v in order for them to work has been a factor in their unforeseen deaths. Not only that, but they can't seem to retain any sort of battery life...again, conversion problem. It's tragic, really. Well, a couple of months beloved Toshiba literally fried and I couldn't save anything on it. Nothing. Rather upsetting for me considering I had lots and lots of photos on it which i can no longer recover. Epic sadness and frustration. Keep in mind, I'm really not all that tech savvy when it comes to picking out the "right" computer / laptop...all I care about is:

1. It turns on.
2. It has a fabulous processor since I usually watch shows / movies on it.
3. I can work on editing my photos
4. The RAM has to be great since I usually store quite a bit of stuff on my computer (mainly videos and photos). 

Now, when we ventured out to find me a replacement laptop..I pretty much let Eric figure it out for me since he's Mr. TechoNOwiz. After looking through some of the laptops that were available (which were very..very limited), he figured which one was best for me. AND, it was shockingly much cheaper than the other options. He swore up and down it was great..blah blah blah...I believed him. Bought it and came home. Within a few days of having this thing..I hated it. I STILL hate it. 


Wanna know something funny? Eric's laptop broke about a day before we went to Italy, so I knew we were gonna have to replace that once we got back since his was our main source of shows and movies. SO, instead of going to the same store we got mine from..we drove two hours away where he managed to get a pretty bitchin' laptop, cost double what mine ran...and is obviously a functioning piece of technology because he was very particular about what he wanted.

I feel that my husband set me up for failure with mine. If he had the same standards when helping me find a laptop like he did with his, I honestly think I wouldn't be dealing with my current POS (Piece Of Shit for my abbreviated challenged peeps).

In the midst of him looking at the vast selection of laptops for him to choose from..I wondered off and stumbled across the stores Apple section.

:: cue heavenly music with angels singing::

I got sucked into the Mac world. I mean, bad. Honestly, I think  I had played around with the Mac and the MacBook Pro for about an hour. Eric deemed me as a lost cause since I had been playing with the photo editor program, music editor, etc etc etc...I must've looked like a kid in a candy store! He had a hard time prying me away from the damn things because I was using something that worked FANTASTIC and didn't stall out every two to three minutes! Then, he started picking my brain about which one I preferred.

After looking at all the specs and mulling it over, I figured out that I liked the Mac desktop rather than the laptop. The main reason is because of the screen size and it seems like I can get A LOT more for the money..processor size, storage..everything! Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to take my laptop with me to places, but I'd have major anxiety toting around something as expensive as a MacBook Pro. Plus, I like that I can have my "space" when working on editing pictures in my office or writing for my blog since I have the WORST shiny syndrome on the planet. Since I do have the luxury of using a laptop, I get VERY distracted when I'm in the living room working on stuff due to shows, video games and anything else that could possibly divert my attention.

 So, while I was playing with the Mac in the store, my husband realized this would probably be the most epic birthday / Christmas present in the history of our lives together. In fact, I'd consider this a wedding anniversary gift for the next five years! Whether or not I actually get it, thats to be seen..but I know if we ended up getting one, that thing would be used like none other!

Eric, if you're reading this: I LOVE YOU!


Jessie Wright said...

Okay so I gotta let you know a couple things.
1. MAC is AWESOME! They almost never have any problems because everything is Linux based and so you dont have compatibility issues and you dont get as many virus' and stuff on there.
2. Your RAM has nothing to do with your storage space. Thats your hard drive. Your RAM determines how fast your computer runs, basically.
3. You CAN recover all of your documents, photos, anything that you have saved on any computer that you have that does not work. You just need a hard drive case. Pull out the hard drive of the laptop, put it in the case, and plug it into your computer. It will run as an external, and you can open it up through your computer menu, and pull anything off it you want. You also dont have to worry about damaging your new computer that way either because you are just opening a storage device and moving files.

But you are right, that would be a totally epic gift and I have my fingers crossed that you get it!!
