Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pasta with Stuffed Chicken Leftovers

As you read in my last post, I made some pretty bitchin' stuffed chicken boobies for dinner one night. Since the guys loved it, I made more of it the following night which resulted in some left overs...I made WAY too many stuffed boobies. So, I saved them for the next night since I could figure something out to make with them. 


This is so ridiculously simple, it's painless. Trust me. 

You'll need (I used WAY more than this because I have two ravenous guys to feed, but this amount will work perfectly for two people):

1 box of fettuccine noodles
1 bottle of Alfredo sauce (I tend to stick with Classico)
1/2 stick of  Challenge salted butter
1/2 cup chicken stock

Cook the noodles like you would usually do when you're making pasta. While the noodles are cooking, toss the butter in a sauce pot, melt it and then add the Alfredo sauce. I usually take the chicken stock, pour it into the Alfredo jar & shake it around so I get ALL my sauce, lol. Pour that into the pot and mix it all up. Take the COOKED chicken boobies and chop them up. Trust me, it looks like a big ol' mess, but it'll be derricious. Once the chicken is chopped up to however small you want the pieces, toss it all into the pot and cook till your pasta is ready. 

It's that simple. Seriously! 

I put some Parmesan on top with a dash of black pepper...UH-mazing! When dinner was finished, I started to ask the guys, "Is this a recipe you want me to...."...before I had a chance to complete my question, they both shouted "OH MY GOD, YES! THIS IS AWESOME!!"....then they proceeded to get seconds and attempted thirds. 

Viva la re-vamping left overs!