Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Adventure On The Horizon

Welp, we've been stationed in beautiful Belgium now for almost four years. 

That means, it's time for us to move else where. Personally, we were wanting Wyoming or even Utah..but..the Air Force had other ideas. 

They said, "You shall go to....New Mexico. Congrats!

Merp? New Mexico? Really? What'd we do to YOU?

Ya see, the part of New Mexico we'll be going to is kinda known, at least that area around the base, for being on the shady side. By shady, I mean violent and ghetto. I guess I should be used to that because of my home town in California, but after living over here for all this time, I've gotten rather accustomed to not worrying about crime and shitty people trying to take my stuff. 

Of course, when Eric told me about our soon to be new home, he saw a chunk of my soul die...just a little bit. After a week or so for the shock to wear off, I started doing some house hunting since we don't want to live in the base, and we don't really want to be around the military community anymore. Given, he's still got another four-ish years left in the Air Force, but after dealing with the cattiness of military wives here, I'm kinda over putting up with their shit, ya dig? I realize there are crazy civilian women, but they can't throw their husbands rank at me like it's supposed to do something to benefit them. 

Anyway, so I've been trying to find positive things to think of in terms of us moving not only back to the States (we really wanted to stay in Europe), but to New Mexico:

- We already have friends stationed there, so it'll be nice to have friendly faces in a new place
- Mail won't take anywhere from two weeks to a month and a half to reach us anymore. Yay! 
- I don't have to get yelled at in angry Flemish anymore. Just angry Spanish. 
- Waffle House, need I say more?
-Best Buy
-Game Stop
- Eric gets to hunt for new local haunts 
-Um...Mexican food? Yeah.
- My stepson can have friends that live in the same zip code rather than a different country! 
- If I want to fly home, it won't take 10+ hours of travel time! 
- We'll only be an hour ahead of everyone rather than nine! Yay! 
- Expand my horizons a little bit when it comes to photography 
- Possibly get a job? Perhaps? Maybe?

The last one is rather important to me because I miss having my own personal space for my family. When Eric and I first got married, we lived in military housing and it was very small and very crowded. Then we moved to Europe and our Belgian home is a decent size, but has so many problems due to it's's a constant struggle to keep it feeling like it's livable. We have no desire at all to live in military housing again, and we're not wanting to rent because most renters now a days have a tendency to gouge the tenants who have pets. If you've been an avid reader of mine, you know we have a handful of dogs, so you can imagine how much a landlord would wanna charge us. So, after doing the math and figuring things out, we're opting to buy a home that we'll want to stay with after Eric retires since there's a good chance we'll be staying in the area due to his career field. So, who knows. The hunt for "our home" has officially begun and I'm hoping to have it all resolved by the time we get there early next year. 

It'll take some time, but I'll eventually come around to the new scenery. It's all about re-acclimating to a whole new environment. 

*Annnnnd just for the sake of saying it, please keep in mind my sarcastic satire when reading this. I'm actually positive about moving to NM even though I'd definitely prefer to go somewhere else. "It is what it is and make the best of it"..which I'm doing, but everyone, including myself, has the right to voice their displeasure with something. I mean, look at the election turn out....people have voiced their feelings about that! Seeeeee!*


Teddi said...

Looking forward to having you near by. I must say, we weren't thrilled when we got orders here either, but we have made the best of it. It's not nearly as bad as we expected.