Thursday, February 18, 2010


During the week, I always get up at 5 am, get some breakfast and such till I'm fully "awake". Then Eric rolls out of bed, hits the shower, gets some breakfast as well and we chit chat. I guess you can say we're each others "clocks" since we're so used to each others routines, that we know when it's time for us to head out to the door without even looking at the clock.

Well, part of my usual routine is to head out to my Xterra and start it so the engine warn up for a wee bit before I head out. Apparently I must've made Karma disgruntled, or the big guy upstairs thought it'd be entertaining to screw with me. Our porch is all brick work and definetely doesn't get any traction when it's wet or icy....then again, what DOES get traction in those conditions? Anyway, as I was stepping on the downward slope of the porch, my foot hit a patch of ice and BAM.. I was down. Not only that, but I slammed my shoulder just right. To add insult to injury, I landed in a nice sized puddle of ice the way, it was 5:30a. Nice shock to the system between freezing water in addition to extreme pain!

My knee hurts SO bad, even with a brace on...I hobble like a gimp and it completely sucks. As the day has gone on, more and more things are starting to hurt :( If the pain doesn't let up by Saturday, I'm gonna go to the doc.. I expect my knee to hurt considering that took the most of the abuse (it's already covered in dark bruises and missing a nice layer of skin), but my hip is in alot of pain hurts if I sit too long and it hurts when I try to get up...and my shoulder (the one I also landed on) is gettin VERY sore.

I'm SO displeased about all of this considering ..well.. I can't work out. .. I know I won't till I can fully support weight on that particular lef. The extra shitty thing... I fell on the same knee I screwed up a few months back so I'm worried I caused additional damage to the old injury.



Team Hayes said...

OUCH!!! Whatever I did to my knee was not even close to that kind of pain. I'm so sorry this happened. Me and ice do not mix. I must have fractured my tailbone at least four times when I worked on the flight line during the winters in Nebraska. I do understand the frustrations having to do with injury interrupting work out motivation. Urgh. Here is to a quick recovery!