Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Guest Room Galore!

Now that I know we officially have a home waiting for us, all sorts of ideas are popping into my head. As you saw in a previous post, I talked about what I wanted to paint in the living room, how I wanted to make our stairs look like massive books, along with a variety of other things. 

We'll have a guest room available for people to stay in while visiting. Of course, I have ideas in terms of that room and the "theme" I want to go with... 

If you know me, it really shouldn't surprise you that I want to have an aviation themed space in the house. I grew up with my Dad taking me to airshows in addition to teaching me about WWI and WWII  planes, medals, events..basically anything and everything under the sun. I think that's why I have such an interest in antique / historical things. As I've been hunting online for ideas and inspirations, I came across this really cool planked picture on several design sites, but it was never really listed as to how much it cost or where to get it: 

Turns out, it's actually from Pottery Barn. And it's $300. Errrmmm...that's a little rich for my blood, especially since I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to validate to Eric the price tag. Vintage furniture? Sure. But some planks of wood with an image on it? Nah unh. After looking over the item description, it pretty much dawned on me that I could totally do this myself. 

Here's some images I found and altered which I can use to make the impression print. I realize the one that Pottery Barn used looks like a vintage airliner...I prefer the super cool planes like a P-51 Mustang:

With this image, I'd have to resketch it out so I can get just the lines and make it flush with the horizon:

I can pick up the wood pieces from Home Depot for somewhere around $30, I already have white primer paint as well as sandpaper to make it look aged...then it shouldn't cost that much to get a print made of the plane so I can mod podge it to the boards. In total, I'm probably looking at $50 to make it, if that. 

Then for the rest of the room, I'm going to incorporate some airplane models my Dad has built over the years, repaint a dresser to look more vintage in addition to getting some brushed steel accents for around the room. I'm hoping I can pull it all together so it has that 1930's -1940's feel. Maybe I can sweet talk my Dad into giving up his badass wood propeller he has laying around...

I'm gonna try to find an old wood footlocker and make it look like it fell out of WWII with various markings in order for it to look like it's seen some action. It'll hang out at the foot of the bed:

...or even the wood trunk I picked up near Brussels: 

Of course, we'll need an old school globe:

Annnnd I think I wanna get an old aviator cap, flight goggles and a spiffy scarf so I can have it look like they were just hung up after a long day of flying. Of course, I'll use reproduction ones since I'm sure my Dad would twitch himself into a fit knowing that I'm using real, historical pieces as decor that'll just hang around a room:

Yes, Dad. I know this is a British issued flight cap...stop twitching....


Van Hoesen Family said...

Love it! Vintage avaiation is the plan for L's room. I've already gotten a few cool things and I just recently found an old globe at a thrift store for like 3 bucks! I saw that pic from pottery barn online too and was bummed when I found the price. It is pretty cool!