Monday, December 24, 2012

Ramping Up

GAH! So much is going on!

I'm trying to keep track of all the stuff we're counting down to. Next month is going to be a complete whirl wind since I'll be going on a trip, packing to move, shipping to move, then twiddling my thumbs till it's time for us to leave. 

Like I mentioned, I'm going on a Scotland to be specific. I'm rather excited to get over there since I really REALLY wanna check out the castles. Plus, it's a gorgeous country. I mean, who wouldn't want to go there? 

Over the last week, we've been busy with appointments in order for us to get everything set up for the move. OH my gosh. There's SO much to get done, it's a little overwhelming. I still need to plow through my office to get it all organized for the movers. Not to mention, there's a lot of 220v we need to sell off since we obviously have no use for it when we're back in the States. I have a funny feeling that the movers are going to pack some of that stuff anyway because they'll literally pack anything / everything (including garbage). If any of those 220v items happen to hitch a ride to the US, at least we're going to a massive base where the odds of someone else moving to Europe is pretty high and we can still get rid of them...I'd just prefer not to deal with them at all, lol. 

THEN, I gotta ship off my beloved Xterra. That's going to be a little hard for me since she's my baby and I'm rather fond of having my independence. The last time we had to ship her off, the place where we dropped her off were jerks to me...wasn't exactly a good experience (in my eyes). Oh well, at least Eric and I will make the best of it since we'll be over by the French border and venture around there for a little bit...

Our flight has already been arranged to fly back to the States. I'm very...VERY sad about leaving Belgium. Well, Europe in general, but we're very very fond of our little Belgie. Luckily, the people in charge of our traveling managed to get us a straight shot to our destination since we're concerned about our fur babies enduring multiple layovers, especially since we'll be in transit when it's still fairly cold every where. 

Of course, once we're back in the States and get our bearings together just a smidge, Eric and I will be heading over to New Mexico to finish up all the paperwork required to get our home! I'm SO excited about having a place of our own! I've been corresponding with our Realtor ever since we found out where we were moving to ...finally found *the one* in terms of a home earlier this month and have been signing whatever we can. Luckily, a friend of mine was able to do a walk through on our behalf with the Realtor to make sure the house was on the "up & up"...gave us the lowdown and ultimately gave us the thumbs up. Like I said, I'm VERY excited to get our own place :) 

The fun part is the whole "waiting game" in terms of our stuff showing up. The guy in charge of the movers told us it'd take about 55 days for our household stuff to show up in New Mexico, and the same thing goes for my Xterra. What we'll probably end up doing is that I'll stay behind in California for a little bit in order to catch up with friends and family while Eric & John stick around in New Mexico since John needs to get back into school. My truck is actually being sent to California, so when that arrives, I'll be able to pick her up, hang out for a few days till Eric is able to meet up with me and then we'll tag team the drive back to New Mexico. LOTS and lots of work ahead of's kind of crazy. I'm thinking that there really isn't going to be any sort of "relaxing" done until..hmmm...June. 

Aye aye aye..

PS: Like my new signature? I was fiddling with an app on my iPad and I was able to bust out with the way I actually sign my name. Now I'm all super legit..WOOT!