Monday, December 31, 2012

Afscheid 2012!

Time seems to have flown, especially since the movers will be coming next month to pick up our household items, then we'll be flying back to the States the following month. It's kind of crazy to me that it's already the end of the year, not to mention, our time in Belgium is almost up! 

Here's some memorable events from 2012: 

In January, I got to go to my first TNA Wrestling event with Eric over in Brussels. I mean, we traveled to London the year before, but Eric went to that event on his own while I chilled out at the hotel and got pampered at the spa. Hard life, right? Anyway, it was pretty cool to see in person, especially since the place wasn't super super packed and we got to sit fairly close to the ring :) 

In April, Eric went to Non-Commissioned Officers Academy and graduated! He was gone for a total of six weeks and he learned to be extra responsible, lol. I was (and still am) EXTREMELY proud of him! AND, he smiled willingly! VICTORY!

In June, I had a fabulous "girls trip" to Poland to do some more pottery shopping. We ended up staying at a place called "Palac Brunow" and it was absolutely AWESOME! 

In July, Eric and I celebrated our FIFTH wedding anniversary!! Oh my goodness! It feels like we just got married yesterday. It's rather crazy how much time has flown and all the things we've experienced together. Obviously, I'm looking forward to many...many more years together :D

In August, I got to see the last Flower Tapestry in Brussels for quite a long...long time. Hopefully Eric and I can come back for our ten year anniversary or something to see it again :) 

Oh, and we welcomed Grimm to the family in August :) He's a standard sized Wirehair Dachshund with a massive personality. Since his arrival, he's brought loads of entertainment, laughs and snuggles to our lives...he's definitely a perfect fit for our family.

In November, I got to spend my 30th birthday with Eric in Rome! We stayed at a fantastic B&B, got to see some amazing sites, and made some wonderful memories :)

Also in November, Eric, myself & a group of gals went to Poland to do our last round of shopping. I realize when I went in June, I said it was gonna be my last one...but obviously I couldn't stay away from the place. Not to mention, Eric was really wanting to go since he was jonsing for some Polish food. 

In December, we started the process of buying our first home! I'm SO excited!! I'm looking forward to having a place that's OURS rather than renting a place or living on base. Decorating ideas have been running through my mind non stop in addition to finding lots of things I can do in our soon to be new city. 

Hopefully, everyone will have a very Happy New year and start off 2013 on the right foot :)

Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book.
 Write a good one.