Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've been flip flopping back and forth on things I wanna do here... I'm most definitly going to travel, no if's and's or but's about that.... but I want a job :( I miss working! I miss having my own income! AGH!

There's a gal here that does Pampered Chef & it actually looks pretty good (income wise). I think I'm savvy enough to make sales, work my magic and make some money. Then an online friend (thanks Suz), told me about another company called 31Gifts. That's totally something that's my type of thing since it's purses, totes, monograms and such.. really awesome stuff! Thing is, it's $150 to become a consultant for Pampered Chef then another $150 for 31Gifts. I'm debating on joining..the main thing holding me back is the sheer fact that it's a small base, and frankly, people aren't gonna want to buy this stuff all the time. I'm sure people I know from the States would be interested.. I just don't wanna be a hassle to them. Know what I mean?

It's tempting to get both companies considering when I host a party, I can sell either company rather than just shove cooking supplies or just purses.

I dunno! I wanna do something!!