Friday, March 13, 2009

Mish Mash

First off.. I gotta wonder WTF is going on at the base.. since we've been here, I just experienced my 2nd sonic boom or whatever the fuck it is. It shakes the house, sounds like a massive explosion and scares the shit out of me & the dogs...agh! I don't like it.

I'm stoked that I've been able to get back into the gym since one of the spouses here offered to bring me along with her. Apparently she goes 4 days a week, so hell yea I wanna go! Today is day #2 and I'm SO sore, but I love it :) I wanna make some additional progress on my weight loss, especially since this PCS has brought some unwanted weight gain. Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things, get my schedule set up again and back on track. I'd love to lose about ten to fifteen pounds by the time I head out to Washington for my cousins Graduation. I guess we'll see how things go! I just know I wanna atleast feel healthier even if it means I can't work out everyday.

Speaking of healthy...hah.... I've been dead set on getting myself a bicycle. Seeing how we're not gonna be living "too" far out of town, I'd rather walk / bike to the store for things rather than using my Xterra. I know it sounds silly, but I'd rather conserve the gas, PLUS, I don't wanna deal with the crazy ass streets and drivers! The crappy thing is.. bikes here aren't cheap. The one pictured below is € 449, which in American money,that's $580. UGH! FOR A BIKE!? Given, the bikes here are pretty nice.. but for a BASIC bike, it's roughly $580. One speed, front brakes, NO front suspension, a headlight, back reflector light and a welded luggage rack. Not bad. There was another bike I was really interested in getting, but it's € 899 ($1,160).. I can't bring myself to spending that much money. I'd seriously feel too guilty! The bike John want's is just as expensive if not more! UGH! The bike Eric wants is € 850. So, if all of us ended up getting a bike, we're looking at almost $3k. Daaaaaaaamnit.

The Euro is too damn expensive, if you ask me. Yes, the Dollar isn't as strong as it used to be, but good grief, EVERYTHING is expensive here! Thanks to Belgium being a Socialist country, there's a whoppin' 21% tax on EVERYTHING (I think except food). Guess how much it costs of a HALF GALLON bucket of paint? Just guess.. it'll make you think twice about painting your house. How's about € 90 ($116)? Yeah. Lovely. I gotta repaint / re-wallpaper my house once we move into it. Not to mention, the curtains aren't going to be any cheaper considering the ones that're currently in there are horrific and NEED to be replaced (think in terms of easter being barfed up onto fabric). Oh yea, they don't sell the paints I normally use for my projects, so I know once I get back to the states, I'm gonna stock up on ALL of my usual supplies and ship 'em back to here. Otherwise, there goes my art projects!

Oh yea.. I've been entertaining myself with this spiffy thing called "Puzzle Ball". Here's a picture of it.. it'll explain itself, lol. I have another one that I just started's an old school world globe so it looks nice and artsy like this puzzle ball.

Yeah...that's all I really have to post about at the moment. Yes, my life is THRILLING. Be jealous.


Nikki Marie said...

well aren't you just a busy bee! haha now that you have your puzzle ball AND a bike! =) haha just wanted to drop you a comment! haha

OHH! and thanks for the comment on my blog. haha gotta love those mini rants! haha i'm exited to come over too! i'm going to sit down and make a list of all the places i want to go while i'm over there to try and get an idea of things!! but i'm STOKEDDD as well!! =)