Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I've been talking to some of my friends and family out in California.. I guess Fall hasn't showed it's beautiful face over there yet since they've been dealing with some ridiculously high heat. I mean, our Summers normally don't hit till about late August / early September..lasts about a month, then levels out to Fall till February. My Dad says that California has a "Sprumfater" season. Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter all smashed into one without having to fully commit to each individual season, which is pretty accurate. I guess you consider our "Winter" when we have a thick marine layer and the temp stays about 60*.. 50* at the lowest.

I acquired this pic off of Stefanie's blog since she's been melting in San Luis Obispo for the last few days. Temps like this make me happy I'm no longer at Vandenberg since the base housing there DOES NOT have A/C and the sun beat directly into our house..there was no relief during some pretty nasty heat waves. 

So, for all of my beloved California peeps.. this is for you....THIS, is what I have for the next week in lovely Belgium :)

I'm excited because I can officially rock my UGG boots without overheating, all of my winter jackets are coming out of the closet and I have a few more on the way (thanks to Old Navy), my winter tops are making some appearances...ahhhh... I love Belgium :)