Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday Routine

It's a gorgeous day over here in Belgie! The birds are singing, the breeze is nice and there's little beetle bugs flipped on their backs. I suppose their trying to work on their tans since I've found a handfull of them so far (about the size of my thumbs) stuck on their backs with their feet flailing around. I did my good deed and turned several of 'em over to send them on their merry way, while others flipped right back over. Oh well, can't say I didn't try!

Anyway, Eric's outside barbequing all of our goodies for the upcoming week. 

I don't think people realize how much we actually cook when it comes to pre-making our meals. I mean, I eat between 2-3oz of chicken/ pork lion every two hours while Eric eats 4-5oz every two to three hours of steak, pork loin and schwank. Lots and lots of meat. So when you see all of it laid out at the same time, it makes you think "OH my gosh, that's a ton of food!". 

So, as he's doing his thing with the meat, I figured I'd do my thing and make some tea. Hard work, right? I have my spiffy new teapot that I picked up in Poland in addition to the Bavarian tea I picked up yesterday, so might as well brew some tea to enjoy!

The reusable tea bag that I picked up works really well, even though it looks like a sock with a wire through it. It fits over the lip of the top and even allows for the lid to fit back on. That way, I can just seal everything together and let it sit and brew.

MMMMMMM! Strawberries and Kiwi! Eric said it looked like hot koolaid because it turned out to be a hot red color when it was all done.

I gotta say, the warmer you use works REALLY well! I've been drinking my tea on and off throughout the day and when I go back to the teapot to get more, it's still pipin' hot! Love it! 

My husband is rather "metro" ...well..when it comes to cooking, baking, and anything that involves the kitchen. So, when he saw me making tea, he told me," When we go to Poland, I want a manly teapot."! Ok! No problem! He and I usually take time out in the morning and have some quite time and tea together before the mayhem begins, so I think it's cute that he wants his own teapot.

Now, where's my tea biscuits?