Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 12

Maybe it's a good thing that Eric was gone this week? lol. I managed to lose 1.8lbs!

Hopefully my plateau was short lived *fingers crossed* so maybe I'll start making some additional progress. I'm just SHY of being 20lbs lighter and I can definitely tell since my pants are literally getting too lose for my hips! When I was doing some errands yesterday, I was in the midst of checking out at a grocery store in The Netherlands and I forgot something I was supposed to get. So, while the cashier was doing her thing, I jogged over to the aisle I needed to go to and my pants started sagging! A LOT! It felt like they were gonna fall off! I guess it's time to drop down a pant size (score!!!) to see how those feel. 

This weekend is going to be a bit of a challenge for me since I'm going out of town to Germany for the three day weekend. For one, I love German food. Two, we're going to our favorite restaurant, which is "The Big Emmas"..they have huge serving portions. I know Eric is chomping at the bit to eat there, but I still need to behave while enjoying myself. 

Before, I really wanted to have pork Cordon Bleu with their fantastic potato medallions, but now I'll stick with their awesome chicken salad (even that's gonna be too much for me to eat!):

I hope everyone has a fantastic Memorial Day weekend! Tah!