Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 11 Flop

Well. It's finally happened. I hit a plateau. My weight loss has been crawling ever so slowly and I was bracing myself for a weigh-in with no happened yesterday. I didn't bother taking a picture since there really wasn't much of a point. I'm still at the same weight, despite eating well and walking A LOT with a good amount of time spent on the elliptical. Le Sigh.

The last two weeks have been SO busy for me :( It like it's been a non-stop grind between shows, events, chores, cleaning, saying "bye" to friends that are moving away. Ugh. I'm just sad right now :(


Unknown said...

Hang in there hun. You are doing so well! You've lost the equivalent of a bag of kitty litter! You're so strong. I'm blogging about my crappy weeks now. You will blow through this week and come out in good strides. I just know it.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should be sad, you pretty much knew that you were going to hit a plateau soon. All you can do is figure out how to change it. I hope you don't lose faith. I know that seeing no change on the scale can be difficult, but you've come this far, why give up now!! I hope the scale moves for you next week!! and by move i mean move down :)

Teddi said...

Keep up the hard work girl! Everyone hits a plateau. Now you just have to find a way to switch it up and keep working! You've got this girl!

Sorry to hear you are saying farewell to good friends. That is one of my least favorite things about the military lifestyle!