Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sparatic Update

I figured I'd do a update about the various things that've been going on other than posting my weight updates and food stuff. Change is good, right?

* I'm retaining water like crazy and it's driving me nuts. Mother Nature is definitely rearing her ugly head my way because I can't even take my rings weigh in is most likely going to suck ass. Fabulous.

* As I mentioned in a different post, Eric and I will be spending our 4 year wedding anniversary in Venice, Italy!

I'm VERY VERY excited to spend some down time with him because this is only..hmmm..the 3rd trip he's been able to go on with me since we've been here. Our other trips were to Bavaria for Mothers Day last year and when we went to London earlier this year. So, the fact that we get to take a flight somewhere is rather nifty. While doing some research on things to do there, I stumbled across this interactive site that Venice has (here you go) and you can get street level views all over the's better than Google Earth. Word. 

* Eric's currently sick with something that's taking his voice (and energy) he sounds like he's hitting puberty all over again. As entertaining as it is to hear his voice get squeaky, I feel pretty bad for the poor guy so he's milking it for all it's worth to get some pity from me.

* Tomorrow is the 20th Annual Sint. Elizabeth Run. Thanks to blowing my knee out, there's no way I can really participate in it along the lines of how I was wanting to. So, no 5k running for me..but I'll most likely walk the last mile with the elementary school kids, or I'll just volunteer to help with water for the other runners. At least the official race shirts this year are actually nice looking, lol. The last few times, they've been highlighter colors (bright pink, bright yellow green, etc)..and this year they're black with gold writing. I'm thinking they did that since it's the 20th year or so. Who knows, lol

* Last week, I signed up for a pottery making class that lasts for 10 weeks. The group of us that's doing it meets up once a week for three hours while our instructor, Danny, helps us out with our techniques. Tell ya what, he makes it look SO incredibly easy when it comes to keeping the freaking clay in the middle of the potters wheel! I haven't made any pottery in YEARS, so it's slowly starting to come back to me in terms of how to do it. Although, I DID manage to make a cute little pot (which was refined into a mini tea cup today), so that was very cool.

Oh, and then there's Karl:

He's Dannys dog and I totally love him! Karl is so sweet and his fur is incredibly soft :) Apparently his breed is called "Muensterlander" even though he looks like a large springer spaniel. Either way, he's freaking cute and he's turned into our "coffee break" buddy since he likes to gossip with the gals and beg for our snacks.

* In about 2 weeks, I'll be attending a Hobby Market and selling a bunch of Pampered Chef goodies since I have a massive inventory. I was originally stockpiling because I was supposed to attend a "Spring Bazaar" at a base in The Netherlands, but the gal that's organizing it is lacking in her communication skills. So, I'm tired of all this stuff taking room in my cubbies, wardrobes and other storage areas around the house, I'm on a mission to give 'em all new homes! Besides, I can use the money towards the Venice trip :)

I've been REALLY sucking at reading my book! It's a great story so far, but it seems like I don't have the time to actually unwind and read! I'm determined to finish "To Defy A King"!!

That's all I can really think of off the top of my head!


Kaysie said...

Man! It seems like everyone is sick. Hope your hubby feels better. And I'm TOTALLY jealous of your Italy trip! ;)

Unknown said...

I wonder if Eric has the same death virus I have. I have no voice anymore!!!

Italy looks so fun I can't wait to see pics!!!