Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 14

"Slow and steady wins the race." - Tortoise

It's officially Week 14 and I'm down another 1.2lbs! I think my metabolism is finally starting to "wake up" and get with the program. In all honesty, I'm surprised (really) that I lost anything since Mother Nature decided to visit and made this week rather hell-ish for me.

I think by upping my cardio like I have been, it's really helping to push things along. My shirts are starting to feel looser and my pants are definitely getting larger. In fact, I gotta dig around and find my size 20 jeans (it's been a while since they've seen the outside world) and see how those fit me. 

Remember how I talked about Kettlebells in my last weigh in? feels like it's been a wild goose hunt to find 'em! I've been to several large sports stores around here in addition to calling around the larger BX's in Germany. NO ONE has them! AGH! After much debate, I finally broke down and ordered one off of YES, shipping was FREE! I definitely made sure that the shipping was free, lol. Sure, it might take a little longer to get here, but it's better than paying $30 in handling fee's! 

After reading a ton of various forums and articles, I ended up getting a "contoured" kettlebell because it'll minimize the bruises I'll get on my forearms. I bruise VERY's pretty sad, despite all the vitamins I take. Eric will give me foot & leg massages (yes, I'm spoiled!) and you can clearly see where his fingers were when they squeezed my muscles, lol. Half the time, my legs look like they have polka dots on 'em. So, I'd rather not have bruises all up and down my arms from a 15lb weight! 

In addition to the kettlebell, I also ordered two workout DVD's. Of course my "trainers" are going to be Bob & Jillian from The Biggest Loser! 

They're both known for busting your butt, but being motivational at the same time. So, from what I read from the reviews, these look like they'd work pretty well for me..might as well give 'em a shot, right? While I'm waiting for my kettlebell to show up, I can use my dumb bells with the videos in the mean time (yay!) as I'm 100% positive it'll take a month (or longer) for the kettlebell to grace me with it's presence! 

So yup! That's my weigh in for the week! I spoke to Stef and it sounds like she's getting back on track with her Weight Watchers plan. From my understanding, her official weigh in days are now on Saturdays, so I'm sure she'll have a very productive weigh in later on today (California time, of course!).

Best of luck & motivation to anyone else out there who is wanting to live a healthier life :)