Thursday, December 11, 2008

Almost there!

I'm mildly please forgive me if this blog is a little on the wonky side :)

Today's the day where Eric, John and myself had a meeting with the Medical Officers to make sure we're in the clear for Belgium. I had to laugh since we were directed to go to the "Mental Health" department ...this whole place makes you feel like you belong in some sort of nut house, lol

The meeting went really well, especially since Johns ADD is under control and they could actually SEE that his "issue" seems to be fairly mild. *whew*. When I went into the doctor on Monday, they did a blood pressure check and it was a little high (gee, I'm sick and stressed out), so that showed up in todays medical review. It's nothing serious, but I was told NUMEROUS times that I had to "keep an eye" on it. Normally, I don't have high blood pressure..between the meds I'm on, this PCS and some other things that we have going on, I'm a lil' on edge. Blah. Once the they were all done reviewing everything with us, we were given the "thumbs up" for our Orders...BUT... Johns doctor didn't show up to the meeting even though he was scheduled to. For the medical sign off, the doc has to sign everything with his approval...agh! Not only that, but we needed to get our immunizations "just in case" since we're moving to another country...lovely.

While we were waiting on the doctor to show up to sign our paperwork, we made our way over to the Immunization Office to get checked out. Eric's in the free & clear since the Air Force loads him up on everything..John and I weren't so lucky. If anything, I got the worst of all, lol. John needed his 12 year booster, tetnis and one other shot in addition to getting the Flu "mist" through the nose. I felt so bad for him since he HATES needles...what kid doesn't hate needles? All the while, Eric is gigglin' and telling the TSgt who was administering the shots to just give John even more, lol. What a nice Dad! John was ok up till the point where the TSgt pinched his arm for the injection...once he did that, John completely lost it. The needle made it so much worse since the second it hit him, he was in absolute tears! Geezo :( I know this sounds so bad of me, but in a way, it was kinda funny to see him freak out over such a tiny lil' thing....especially since he's 12 years old. All the while, Eric kept egging him on, laughing and teasing...poor Monkey. Atleast he wasn't like the little girl that came in after THAT'S a cry baby! She was freaking out while in the waiting room & SCREAMING like crazy..agh! I feel pretty sorry for the TSgt that was working.. non stop kids crying, lol. Its gotta get pretty old some days.

Once John was taken care of, the TSgt looked into what I needed...and man.. apparently I need everything since there's no medical history about me in their data base. Greaaaaaaaaat.... So, I ended up getting the Flu shot, Hep A and something else.. AND 6 viles of blood drawn. I think John felt a little better knowing he wasn't the only one getting shots today. As for the blood, they're going to run tests on the viles to see what I actually NEED shots for..yippy... SO, next Friday I gotta go back to the clinic to see what my lab results say, in turn, I get even more shots. BLAH! My left arm is totally killin' me right now from one of the shots and I'm "supposed" to expect to have pain for a few days ..can you sense my enthusiasm?

Once we got home, we got a call from the Mental Health department and the doctor finally showed up and signed off on our papers. *woot* So I scampered back over and picked em up :D Got back home and it felt like I instantly hit a wall... super super tired, very lethargic.. ughh.. I crashed out around 5 then woke up at 7.. now I'm ready to crash out again. I'm thinking it's the shots that're making me feel like this, or the meds for my respitory infection. Hum..

All in all.. it's been a pretty long day.. I'm just glad most of our stuff is taken care of and we're that much closer to physically getting our orders in hand :)