Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dutch (Sand)Castles

After editing well over eighty pictures from Sunday, I can finally start writing a blog, LOL. 

Eric, John & I went over to The Netherlands to check out Castle Hoensbroek, which was built around 1250. Our main reason for checking the place out was because they have this awesome sand castle exhibit and several of my friends had recommended seeing it. After viewing their pics, I figured it'd be cool to check out. 

 In the process of buying our tickets, we added on access to the castle cause you can actually go in there and walk around, check out some of the rooms in addition to some of the things that were left from it's original tenants. 

The view when you're walking from the parking lot into the castle foyer:

I was really diggin' the house crest and the window.. trying to be artistic and what not...

Once you bought your tickets and cleared the little shack that sells them, you can get a view of the actual castle:

Makes you kinda imagine what life was like back in the day. I mean, this must have been really impressive back in the 1200's when people were arriving via horse drawn carriage. 

Once I was done being a paparazzi to the castle, we made our way into the second foyer where you actually go inside. You can feel how old the place is because of the old old cobblestone, the navigation sign in the middle of the foyer, even the old barrels they had set up with a laundry line of clothes:

When go you inside, you pretty much walk through a cafe to get to the castle stairwells. Lemme just tell you this.. they are NOT meant for people who are over 5"7. John and I didn't have any trouble getting through the corridors and narrow stairs, but Eric felt like he was having to shimmy his way through since he's 6"3. The stairs in this place reminded me of the old castles in England that I checked out.. VERY tiny steps, low ceiling and if I was any wider, I probably wouldn't have made it through, lol. We finally found a little room to pop into and check out...sadly, all the stuff was in Dutch, so I had no idea what any of the information said. BUT, some of the things in there were pretty interesting:

Little knight! 

After the claustrophobic stairs and rooms, we made our way over to the larger parts of the castle where people used to entertain guests and such. 

The coat rack outside o the ballroom.. impressive, hunh? LOL
Ball Room:

The view from the ballroom:

I fell in love with this room! The wall had green damask fabric all over it! The whole pattern was continuous throughout the whole room..even the curtains! 

From there, we walked through another hallway that took us to a Tea Room that was set up as if there was an event in there. On the way, I fell inlove with this mirror.. I totally want it! 

A view to the foyer:

The Tea Room:

The ceiling in the Tea Room:

There was a small room to the side of the Tea Room.. kinda looked like it was meant for writing letters and such, but the only thing in there that peaked my interest was this trunk, lol. I want it!! 

We were done trollin' through the castle and wanted to make our way over to the sand castle exhibit that was just outside of the foyer. I guess they build all the sculptures around mid June all the way till the end of October. HOW do they get those to stand for so long!?! I figured will all the rain we've been having lately, it would've destroyed the sculptures! I mean, some of these things have ALOT of detail, so I could imagine the rain ruining then, ya know?

Outside of the exhibit:

My absolute FAVORITE sand sculpture! Neuschwanstein Castle! This thing was HUGE!

Here's a pic of us infront of it just to get an idea of how large it was: 

Eric & John

Eric and I

There were just tons and tons of awesome sculptures at this place! 

I'm guessing this was supposed to be a witch burning?

Torture chamber:

Horses grazing: 

This shady character is rollin' with some people in the back of his wagon...although, the guy sitting to the side doesn't look all that nice either.

This gal is probably thinking "WHEW! Close call!" 

This totally makes me think of home. Back in Monterey,California, the county seal is a Cypress tree..I mean, I know this isn't a Cypress tree or anything, but it looks like it's from the seal.

The Paleis Het Loo! I've yet to see the actual palace in person, but apparently it's in The Netherlands somewhere and has been converted into a museum. Yet another thing to add to my "To Do" list.

The statue was MAYBE the size of a coffee mug! SO much detail!

Cool little farming house:

Various different shots:

Crazy battle scene:

Front of the sculpture


Another Castle :)

I LOVED this little lion! He looked so pitiful.. I wanted to take him home!

This dude looks like something I'd see in a Disney movie:


Last but not least, there was a ballroom party...with every good party, there's admiring someone from afar

Fawning over your date

People with bad breath trying to put the moves on their victim...


And it wouldn't be a true party without the typical party pooper...


Unknown said...

OMG I love all these pictures!!! Is it November 2011 yet!!!!!!! Brian loves sandcastles...I can't wait to show him this!