Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free Time = Pointless Baking

Now that I have a lot of time on my hands, I try to waste some of the day by baking. Luckily, my son has the week off from school, so he'll gladly help me dispose of all this sinfully sweet stuff (it's be rather porky of me to eat it all). I'm sure Eric would be willing to help, but I have a feeling he's going to be PT testing again pretty soon ....so, not too many fatty goodness things for him! 

 A while back, I posted a recipe for "Oreo Cake"...here's the link to that post (scroll to the very bottom). Anyway, I figured I'd try making it in cupcake form today...same exact ingredients, only 20 minutes of baking time.. and tah dah! Came out amazing! With the frosting, I added extra powdered sugar so it'd make it a little thicker, rather than having it drip all over the place. All in all, it came out really well (John gave it two freckles up). 

Andddddddddddd here's my artistic pictures: 


Van Hoesen Family said...

Did you just use food coloring to change the color??