Sunday, October 31, 2010

It has begun..

Truth be told, I'm a holiday junkie. Yes, it's true. I love holidays. Not only do I love holidays, I love specific seasons. Seeing how there's only four seasons out of the year, I'm rather fond of 50% off 'em, which is Fall and Winter. Coincidentally enough, my favorite holidays fall within those two seasons: Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

Since my home is already decked out for Fall / Thanksgiving..there really isn't much I can do in terms of Winter / Christmas since, logically, December isn't here yet. Eric has established a rule that I'm not allowed to put up any Christmas sort of decorations till AFTER Thanksgiving. I concur, even though it's rather hard for me to behave since Christmas is the best holiday of the year.. ya know..aside from my birthday and all. 

While we were out doing our usual Saturday routine, we stopped off in the PX-tra to get dog food for our pack of ankle biters. When we walked in, there was a good sized display area FULL of Christmas decorations! My pace quickened cause I made the wheels on the shopping cart chirp, plus, my eyes dilated with a sensory overload of "happy things". What did Eric do? Sighed. Heavily.  Once I scurried over to the display and kept surfing the ornament section, Eric abandoned all hope and went searching for food and treats for the dogs since he knew I was a lost cause.

This is what I ended up with:  

The pack actually comes with 48 ornaments! Not bad for $20! It's a dual sided box, so what you see on this side, they have the exact same ornaments on the other side. I liked it cause of the quirky lil bulbs in the middle...figured they'd add more "spunk" to the tree :)

I couldn't remember if we had a tree topper or not. In all honesty, you can always have more toppers since you can always change them out :) 

See??? Nothing too bad! I really refrained from buying another tree skirt, or other decorations for the house. HOWEVER... the season for Christmas Markets is fastly approaching and I will be bombarding them with a vengeance since they have awesome blown glass ornaments (we each pick one out every year), plus cool lil things for the house.

I can already hear Eric weeping...


Van Hoesen Family said...

I am so sad to miss christmas markets this year :(

Anonymous said...

"In all honesty, you can always have more toppers since you can always change them out :)"

Oh. No. Yes, it HAS begun...the Hoarding of Tree Toppers...if you start cataloguing them like your dad does with his stuff, you're in deep trouble. ;)