Friday, November 5, 2010

Thirty Minus Two

Remember when you were little and how excited you'd get when your birthday was comin up? Your parents would plan out a fun party with all your friends and family, lots of presents...all that good stuff? 

I guess that fades once you get older. 

My birthday was yesterday...and it didn't feel like it was all that special. In fact, it felt like any other day. I ran errands all day... from Belgium to Germany, back to Belgium. Then from Belgium to The Netherlands and back. Fun fun fun. At least I got a call at 5:30a from my Dad wishing me a Happy Birthday...BS'd for about an hour with him, then I was off for my long drive. Is it sad that my husband and son didn't say anything till almost an hour and a half after I was up to say, "Happy Birthday!", and that only happened because my Dad said really loud on the phone, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kiddo!".  When it was my husbands birthday back in August, the second he woke up, we sang the birthday song for him and had breakfast was already ready for him. For me? I didn't even have a hot chocolate or nuthin'. Not even a card. Correction, John made a card for me off of the computer late last night. My bad.

After the whole day, I ended up buying myself a 360 Kinect:

Just in case you don't know what the Kinect is, it's a sensor that's added onto the Xbox unit. Sure, they have a little camera system you can use to chat with people, but, it kinda sucks: 

Hence why I upgraded to the Kinect. It's a sensor system that actually has face recognition, it doesn't need a remote to work (YOU are the remote). All in all, it's pretty awesome. Here's a video that'll explain it better than I can: 

Once I got home and settled in, we got it set up with the xbox and programmed it...I gotta say, it's pretty awesome! We tried out the Kinect Adventures game that came with the sensors (Johns inlove with it) and it's super entertaining. It even takes pictures while you're playing the game (I wish I could figure out how to import them to my computer!). 

Here's some other games I'm interested in getting, ya know, once they're available to buy (they're all workout type games):

Another thing I purchased was this cute little sign I found in the Shoppette at Schinnen: 

It's rather fitting for our house :) 

So, my birthday was rather mellow. Lots of traveling for the sake of being helpful and for being a friend, being considerate of my family and getting grocery shopping done for them... not really much of an "Erika Day".  Given, I received well over a hundred "Happy Birthday" wishes from various people on my Face Book wall (thank you, by the way). Then again, if the lovely social networking site hadn't reminded them, would they have known any better? 

So, yeah. Happy Birthday to me.

Sorry if I seem so pouty, but, I'm rather disappointed.