Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Great Debate

Lesseeee lesseeee.... the last time I was back in the States was...hmmm...May of 2009. Seeing that we're currently in 2011, it's been a lil bits since I've been home. My Grandma takes every opportunity she can to lemme know she misses me (awww) and that she'll probably die before she see's me again (not so "awwww")...seriously...  nothing like guilt trippin' to motivate me!

Some family members were supposed to come here this summer, but life has other plans and now they won't be coming, which sucks, but I completely understand the circumstances. My Dad was planning on coming later this Fall, although now it looks like he won't be coming till next year due to his diabetes causing another problem with his foot. If he has surgery, he'll need about three to four months to recover. So, it's understandable why he won't make it this year...I rather that he's 100% instead of 65% in terms of being able to function. 

So, I keep flip flopping back and forth whether I wanna fly home later this year to see family and friends. I really...really hate the plane ride home. It's anywhere from fifteen to eighteen hours between flying, layovers, flying some more, then driving home. With a bad back, it's rather hellish and miserable. Then there's jet lag...but people are understanding that I'm nine hours ahead of them, so they cut me a little bit of slack when my sleep pattern is completely out of whack compared to theirs.

I was talking to my Dad about it last night and he got SO excited when I mentioned possibly coming home. In the midst of talking about it, I thought about keeping it a secret from my Grandma and surprising her...but I think she'd have a stroke, which is the last thing I wanna do. Dad agree'd that I'd probably make her have a heart attack or something, so maybe it's better that I give her a heads up or something maybe a week before I come home rather than say "Hey Grandma, I'll be home in seven months". The last time I did that, she counted down till the day I flew in and I was VERY out of it, sleep deprived (I can't sleep on planes) and she wanted to take me all over the place, lol. I felt like roadkill and I wasn't exactly up for shopping and going out to a nice restraunt after jet setting ...

In terms of me flying to California and possibly Washington, I'm thinking about flying there around ...hmmm...late August or mid September. It'd be after the tourist season rush, some other stuff that's going on in the family will be poppin' up around then, and it'd be around "summer" time for Monterey since they always have late summers there. I mean, I know my ten year high school reunion will be happening in June, but in all honesty, I have no desire to go. People in high school were rather cruel and I don't feel like being fake and hob-knobbing with them. Sure, people change between now and then...but I still remember the crappy things that were said over the course of middle and high school. There's people who I still talk to from back in the day or have on Facebook & we catch up, but other than that, there's people I'm totally OK with not ever seeing again.

I guess I'm just really debating on whether I wanna go home or not. Then if I do go home, I hope the friends that have been nagging to see me make the effort to drive up to see me, LOL. That was my MAJOR pet peeve last time... I flew all the way over from Belgium to see friends and family, yet the friends that wanted to see me couldn't drive twenty minutes to hang out. YUP, I REMEMBER THAT! And I was home for a month and a half! This time, I might be around for about a month, maybe a little less. Not exactly sure, but I intend on spending some much needed time with my family :)


Kait said...

I say go!!!! :) Have a vacation and enjoy it! (Although, I know for us going home to see family is never a "vacation")

Unknown said...

Yay yay happy dance!!!

Van Hoesen Family said...

I know how much the travel part sucks!! But since your gonna be in belgie longer now i think you def should go home and spend time with family!