Sunday, December 18, 2011

Third Belgian Winter

When we originally found out we were moving to Belgium, we were told that it NEVER snowed here. Never. Since we were coming from California, we didn't have any cold weather / snow gear since, hey, we lived on the beach. Of course, the first winter that we're here...we got snow. LOTS of snow:

December 20th, 2009

Everyone told us that it was a fluke that there was so much snow because, hey, it NEVER snow here. So, here comes winter 2010 and we weren't too worried about getting a snow shovel or anything because it shouldn't snow again. WELLLLL....2010 was by far the worst winter Europe had seen in a VERY long time. By "a very long time", I mean one hundred years:

December 16th, 2010

At that point, I don't believe a damn thing anyone tells me anymore when it comes to weather in Belgium. I've already figured out that it's pretty unreliable when it comes to sunshine. By three in the afternoon, expect rain or high winds. So, I finally broke down and bought a pretty bitchin' snow shovel since our driveway turns into a massive slip 'n' slide when there's snow / ice caked on it. Of course, by the time it arrived, the snow was gone..but hey! I'm prepared for this year!

December 18th 2011

I AM PREPARED! I am READY for some snow! I got not one, but TWO snow shovels readily available for  some bitchin' snow storms since we've had two snowy winters thus far. There's GOTTA be some snow coming our way!

This is what I woke up to this morning:

Barely a "dusting" of snow..and it all melted off by the time Eric and I left to go to the movies. I checked the weather forecast and it's going to be raining for the rest of the snow. 

Get with the program, Beglie!


Kait said...

Hang onto those shovels. You will need em in Minot ;)