Thursday, November 13, 2008

My, What Cute Roots You Have

I've been to the dentist a grand total of maybe 5 times in my life.. I HATE going to the Dentist. The whole part of someone sticking their fingers in my mouth.. then poking my teeth with sharp tools is a little unsettling for me.

The last time I went to the Dentist, it was when I was 19 years old. The ONLY reason why I went was because my goddam Wisdom teeth were making me absolutely miserable and they needed to be yanked out. Well,the Dentist I went to.. who just happened to be named Dr. Slaughter.. did my X-rays and didnt see anything that could cause a problem prior to my extraction. When I woke up from my procedure, all I could smell was burned flesh since he cauderized the hell out of my gums... apparently I have dry sockets and wouldnt stop bleeding. Was given MINIMAL pain meds and I had to change out my gauze literally every 30 minutes for a day because it wouldn't STOP bleeding. When I called and complained about the pain (after day 3 and no more meds since he only perscribed enough for 2 days), I was told I was pretty much out of luck. AGHHH!! Great Dentist!

Turns out for us to go overseas, I have to get checked out by a Dentist or else I can't go with Eric. BLAH! Eric kept telling me, "He's a great great guy. John loves him to death otherwise I wouldn't take him there". I've heard all this before so I'm still really hesitant.

When we stepped into the receptionist office, the office staff was very friendly *shocked me to say the least*. Apparently the majority of the staff there are Military dependants so they understand what it's like to get papers filled out for PCSing and anything else under the sun. I was first up to get checked out (John was also there for his paperwork). The whole xray process was pretty cool since it was all digital.. SO, I could instantly see how my teeth looked on this massive computer monitor that was set up infront of me. The dental tech that was taking all the xrays was really sweet & kept remarking on my teeth. Apparently I hav "cute roots", lol. Even the dentist made a comment on 'em saying that they're "unique" and lucky. Say what??

The xray below is NOT mine, but this was a perfect example of what they were talking about. See the circled tooth? That's how ALL of my roots look. WEIRD!

After the dentist did an exam , he informed me that he's impressed with my teeth. They're in great shape and there's nothing wrong with them, even with curved roots. All I need is to have my teeth cleaned, which is happening next Tuesday :) He was actually a pretty funny guy, which definetely made me mellow out. The only thing I need to worry about is Gum Disease. Apparently my teeth are in such good shape, that I don't "need" to go to the dentist all the time.. but he reccomends I just keep an eye on my gums because if I dont.. I could potentially end up toothless by the time I'm in my 40's, no bueno!

All in all, this experience with the dentist was THE best I've ever had. The staff was excellent and very very caring. The Dentist had a great sense of humor and was also very sweet.. it was all about helping the patient for them.Not the dollar signs.

Ok.. it's time for bed! I only got 3 hours of sleep last night!