Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Revolving Door

Man.. I'm so tired right now... I'm debating on crawling into bed.

So this morning I had an appointment with Family Practice to get my Exceptional Family Member bullshit done... ya know, for clearance. I get there and they're basically interrogating me as to why I don't have a medical record there. Say what? I've seen them multiple times for the past 2 years... how do they not have anything on me? Then they're asking about my "last" base... I don't have a "last" base considering this is my FIRST base. So, they don't know what to do with me.... literally. They're going to let me know what to do since they have no medical records to send to Kleine Brogel... they don't know what to put on my EFMP paperwork... I even offered to have a physical done so they can SEE that I don't have any health problems that will cause any problems overseas. John has clearance as of now.. I dont. Fuck.

After having fun at Family Practice, I headed into town to have my filling replaced in one of my teeth. I had the old silver filling and it was actually starting to crack...caused ALOT of pain. After getting shot 3 times in the mouth for novacaine, they switched out the silver filling to a "natural" ivory to match my tooth. My mouth is so swollen on the right side and everything hurts.. I don't wanna even eat dinner even though I'm starving. My head is thumping and I've been dealing with this all day... blah..

Once I got back on base, Eric gave Ginna a call to see if she's changed her mind about the paperwork. She still stuck to the fact that she's not signing anything till the Child Support is done. In which, Eric replied with ,"Are you sure you want to go that route?"...she got really quiet and said , "What do you plan to do about it?". Eric basically said, "We've already contacted Legal about this. You should be hearing from an attorney later today". She got quiet again and said, "Look... we're adults. We can handle this without the courts getting involved". It just went on and on from there.. but she got the gist that this is going to court if she doesn't get off her high she sounded a little more open to signing papers... we'll see...

Then, Eric and I head over to the Legal Office to address the situation with Ginna. Nomally they get you in and out in 15 minutes (the revolving door policy)... they spent an hour and a half with us. The Captain that helped was SO nice & was lookin up everything under the sun to relate to Nevada child custody law s (that's where Eric and Gina got divorced). The wording for Nevada's child custody doesn't match California's wording for child custody...even though it means the same exact thing. It's irritating how one word.. word can fuck an entire situation up. The Captain called Child Support Services and discussed the situation at hand... they said that at this point, Ginna doesn't owe us any money so where shouldn't be a reason NOT to sign the paperwork. Hunh? She owes $19k...where'd it all go? Apparently Child Support reset itself to zero since Eric's divorce paperwork contradicts itself. The odd part is... they had Eric resend his claime and we're doing this whole process all over again. BUT, in the mean time, we have a printed document STATING that she doesn't owe money........for now. So, I'm going to scan it and email it off to her to show that she doesn't have a balance anymore. Funny part is... she'll owe money yet again in 2-3 months. Ha!

I still hadn't heard from Family Practice about my EFMP papers, so we swung back to the clinic since we had to go there anyway. Johns EFMP paperwork was ready though, yay! Picked his papework up.. they kinda blew me off like it wasn't important. HELLO! It's important! Fuckers! UGH! I might get a call within the next WEEK as to what they're going to do about my medical records.. or lack there of.. grrr... We heade to the pharmacy to pick up my BC ..but alas... they don't have it. My re-fill order was dropped because the system crashed YESTERDAY and they didn't reboot the system till today. Whee!! Now I got to wait till Friday to go off base and get my re-fill else where since the base pharmacy won't have it till NEXT friday. FUUUUUCK...
Got back to the house, picked John up since he just got out of school... then rolled over to Out Bound Assignments. These monkeys have been giving Eric nothing but a hard time due to Ginna not signing the conscent forms. The Captain at the Legal Office printed out legal forms that stated that Eric has the right to get Johns passport without Ginna. The guy at Out Bound said "No". He didn't want to acknowledge what the Captain (ATTOURNEY) had issued for him.. he wants a signature from Ginna. He basically told Eric "We need her signature. There's no way around it. If we don't, you have a few options: Your orders get canceled, you go without your son, or you go TDY there for 2 years". Uh. No. We're ALL going weither it kills us. My paperwork was submitted without any hidden snags, so my No Fee Passport should be on the way in few weeks.

Just SOOO much bullshit to deal with and it's really wearing me out... and the hectic part hasn't even started yet! It's irritating that John has Medical Clearance, yet I dont. BUT, I have clearance for a No Fee Passport but John doesn't.



Anonymous said...

Well, the positive side to all of this is, you're not working at that jackass job anymore-- imagine how much more stressful things would be if you had to deal with that on top of all this other stuff!
XOXO Auntie Loo

Anonymous said...

PS: Like I said earlier, it's to her benefit to sign off on her rights to him...she only has control over him for 6 more years, whereas, Child Support is FOREVER, or until paid off...whichever comes first.