Wednesday, November 12, 2008

*POOF* My Work Here Is Done

Ahhhhhhh... being unemployed feels ....euphoric...

Yesterday was my last official day with my employer. I finished out my accounts and pretty much loafed around for the remainder of the day. My supervisor pretty much knew I couldn't start any of my usual projects considering they're normally 2 day deals, so, I just putzed around and got paid for 8 hours. Wheee!!

Today was just weird for me. I haven't been able to sleep in.. like REALLY sleep in for God knows how long. Keep in mind, I normally wake up at 5:30a everyday, so for me to sleep in till 7am is a friggin' miracle! I was pretty worthless for the most part, but I managed to clean up the house a little bit, straightened up the kitchen, basically did the usual cleaning routine for the house.

MAAAAAAAAAAAAN, I'm so glad to be done with my job! SO glad! I don't regret my decision to leave that place early. I was totally miserable there, the work environment was unbearable and was completely unappreciated and taken advantage of. When I signed off on my termination papers & turned over my keys, it literally felt like the weight of the world was taken off my shoulders. I'm totally fine with being unemployed till we allows me to catch up on things with my house, focus on my support board, work on my artwork and get back into my normal workout routine.

I'm just RELIEVED to be done with them! Can you tell? :D