Friday, November 21, 2008

Small Victory!


I finally got my medical clearance!! YAAAAAY!!!

The Family Practice Doc gave Eric my EFMP ( Exceptional Family Member Program )paperwork & signed off on everything. I guess since I don't have any mental problems (ha) or any physical issues that they can see from what little reports they COULD find on me, they don't have enough NOT to give me clearance. So,the Doc scribbled in all the right spots and gave me the green light.


Another good note, my No Fee Passport was submitted today, so, I should be gettin' that back in a few weeks. Hopefully Johns mom will get off her fuckin' ass and send us the paperwork we need! I'm just REALLY hopin' that gets sent to us REALLY soon. Eric has to get Johns No Fee stuff turned in, go shoot some guns (Dec. 4th) then we OFFICIALLY have orders in hand so we can FINALLY get our freakin' flights scheduled, TMO scheduled..ya know..the stuff that needs to be done NOW. lol

*Crossin' my fingers!*