Saturday, October 10, 2009

* play heavenly music *

We officially have a Senseo now!! :D Eric and I went over to Lommel today and looked through all the different models they have and figured out which one we wanted. Not only that, but we picked up the extra "loaders" for it so we can switch out from espresso maker, to latte, to hot chocolate.. ahhhhh! In love!

I must say.....we looked absolutely ridiculous when we went to the Del Haize on the way home to pick up Senseo coffee, espresso, hot chocolate packs. When I got to the check out counter, the girl must've though I was playing a prank on her:

We've been thoroughly enjoying all the different flavors! Not to mention, we're pretty tweeked right now off of all the caffiene...aye aye aye!

In other news, Eric and I attempted to make Gorilla Bread last night and it actually came out pretty good. I tried making it last week and I completely screwed it up.. I mean.. BAD. Cardboard looked more appealing, lol.  Here's a picture of the one he and I made together:

Lesse... we currently have a friend of ours visiting, Mr. Aric... he's normally stationed in Ghedi, Italy (8 hours from here), but he happens to be up at Ramstein for some classes. SO, he drove down to spend the weekend here in lovely Belgie with us :) We were gonna take him out to dinner at "Sweet Name of Jesus", but when we got there.. they were actually COMPLETELY booked for the entire night. Of ALL the nights, this was the one night that we couldnt get in. TOTALLY ruined our plans, then again, I didn't call ahead...figures! lol. We ended up driving to Eindhoven since Eric kept telling me about an awesome sushi bar there. We meant to go there for our wedding anniversary, but we never managed to make it there since we had other things to take care of. Well, we got there and it was a total trip. Eindhoven itself is really cool. Unfortuntely, we really didn't have a chance to look around since we got there later in the evening (around 7ish) and all the stores were already closed.

Anyway, here's some pics of the place we ate at (Sorry for the crappy quality of the pictures, it's with my cell phone):

The food actually came on a convater belt!! It was pretty cool cause you could figure out what you wanted as it was going by. When you saw something you like, you just picked it up. The prices were marked with either a little green or red sticker that was on the lid. Green was 3.50 euro and red was 5 euro. Needless to say, John kept grabbing the 5 euro items...uggghhh, lol. Our bill came out to 113 burns so baddddd....Then again, that was for 3 adults and 1 child.

Delicious idunnowhatitis in an oyster shell! It tasted like bacon and something else, but honestly, I dont wanna know what it was. All I know is that it tasted damn good, lol

Random rainbow in Eindhoven, lol