Sunday, November 29, 2009

For my Grandma :)

Tomorrow, I'm shipping out Christmas goodies for my Grandma as well as my Dad. Honest to God, my Grandma is THE hardest person to shop for! She'll always say "I dont need anything! I'm too old! If you have to get me something, make sure it's something you like since you'll inherit it anyway".....yeah... makes me all warm and fuzzy when she says that...NOT!

Anyway, remember about a month or so ago when I posted pictures of the cute "Home is where the Air Force sends us" house? Well, I ordered a little house like that for her, but as a key ring holder:

I figured she'd really like it considering it's hand painted and it looks similair to the homes in Germany (where she's originally from).

I finally sat my tail down and whipped up a Christmas card to include with her goodie.. I've been meaning to work on it for a while, but things kept popping up (like usual).  I used CTMHs "Aspen" paper stock, Sparkles, Liquid Glass, Flurry dimensional element (for the snow flake), Aspen Stickease, 3D Tape, Bonding Memories Glue, scalpel, the "Merry Christmas" and the presents are from the "No Peeking" stamp set, then the message on the front of  card is from the "Holiday Warmth" stamp set :) The presents were colored with Exclusive Inks and the snowflake was hand painted with 3 different inks from ink pads..

I'm thinking she's gonna like this :)