Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Work it!

Aye aye aye... after a 1 month "vacation" from the gym.. I finally got my fat ass back in there. I know I'm a curvy gal and all that jazz, but I really noticed that I've packed on some weight since we've been here. I'M NOT A FAN OF IT!! I got a little disheartened the other day when I found my size 14 jeans and ..sadly, I won't be fitting into them anytime soon. I even found one of my cute office tops and that sucker doesnt fit either. GEESH!

There's this thing on base that I just noticed...even though it apparently started back in August, lol.. anyway, it's called "Cardio Club". You essentially track how many miles you do on the bike machine, elliptical and treadmill. I went ahead and signed up for it considering it's a good motivation to actually have to "report" to someone about your exercise routine.

Since I started work last Thursday, I figured I should just hit the gym up first thing in the morning rather than waiting till after work. Seeing how I don't start work till 11 and I'm off at 6:30.. I figured I'll get up with Eric then hit the gym once he leaves for work..which is 6am. I'm totally enjoying the gym earlier in the morning since I literally have it all to myself, I can pop in a cd of mine and rock out while workin' the machines.

If I keep this up, hopefully I'll see some progress in another month-ish or so!


Dave said...

you go girl.. and remember - yer beautiful from any angle.


Erika said...

Awww thanks Dave :)