Friday, November 27, 2009


Yup. I didn't post about Thanksgiving. Mainly because I didn't bust out a huge turkey or anything...although that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. We ended up spending Thanksgiving with some friends of ours (about 1/2 the base, it seems) was there...had a blast! Tomorrow (saturday), I'll be cooking a 22lb beast since Eric thinks it's required that we have a massive turkey..and all it's trimmings for the sake of making sandwiches.

Anyway.. I'm sure you're wondering what my post is about considering the blog title is eye catching and all that jazz..

Eric and I went over to Aachen, Germany today for another date day :) One, I love date days since we finally get to have some "us" time, venture out and see some things, unwind and fart around. Second, he suggested that we go to the Christmas Market that's in Aachen since he knows I'm always on the hunt for more decorations for the house.

Yes, I love Christmas :)

Last weekend, we went to the Christmas Market in Hasselt.... it was a pretty big let down, to be honest. I was expecting a whole lot more than what there actually was. This time around, I was VERY happy with all the different vendors that were set up in Aachen. Vendors were freckled all over the place and there were tons of options as far as random trinkets and decorations to get for your home :)

In the midst of walking around, Eric remembered that there was a Starbucks somewhere in Aachen. I honestly forgot that there was even one on this side of the planet, lol.

MMMmMmMmMmMm...... Toffee Nut Latte....freakin' YUM!

Eric & I being our adorable, loving selves :)

We actually managed to find some pretty cute stuff for the house. ...

This.... is "Hood-tastic" Santa. Eric actually spotted him when we were trollin up and down all the aisles where the vendors were. This lil' guy pretty much sums up Eric, lol.

He actually fits in quite nicely with Eric's...yes...Eric's.... decorated shelf. The blocks say "Bah Hum Bug".

Since we've been together, we made our own little tradition of picking out a new ornament each year. So, while we were pluggin around, we found this one vendor and we absolutely loved the "carved" santa statues and ornaments she had. Not to mention, the gal that ran the booth was VERY nice!

This is Eric's choice

Here's mine:

At the same booth, she had these awesome "carved" Santa statues. Eric and I were so torn between 3 of 'em because they all had alot of detail, personality and "unique" qualities.  We finally agree'd on this fella..mainly because we're huge animal lovers and he was surrounded by fur-babies :) I think he'll fit perfectly in our home!

Last but not least...I can't forget about "Chuck"... Eric nicknamed my little reindeer "Chuck" for some reason. I'm thinking it's a sub-conscious thing cause he wanted to chuck it out of the car since it's yet another Christmas decoration for the house, lol

Once we got home, settled in and had some dinner... Eric helped me out by bringing in our fake Christmas tree that I managed to purchase for $20 (hell yes!) and it's 220v. The lights are already IN the tree, so it definitely cut down on how many times I needed to wrap even more lights around it. It's tradition to pretty much make our tree visible from outerspace..

Once the tree was set up, John and I went to town on it :)


BelgiumBarb said...

LOVE the ornaments! Now I have to go back to Aachen! You picked up some super stuff! Let me know if you go back again during the week. :0)