Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Touchy Topics

The topic of politics, religion, and finances seem to be a frequent conversation amongst people as of late. Being an American, we have the right to believe what we want to believe, but I can't understand the gall of some people who feel it's their right to beat you over the head with their views because, in their eyes, you're wrong and they're right. Everyone is entitled to what they think, but don't cram it down my throat.

Here's my position on each topic:

Religion: I'm not religious, nor will I ever be. I know quite a few people who are all various degree's of being religious (from extreme to kinda sorta not all that much), and the majority of them respect my reasons for not believing what they believe...but, there's a few that are persistent with "enlightening" me with passages and what not from The Bible. I respect them, but it seems like I can't get the same in return. Why's that? I dunno. I don't really care, either. I love churches in an architectural sense as well as how it was built, etc etc..otherwise, they make me uncomfortable. I'm just not "into" it. I guess I'm against it so much because I see people who are blatant "sinners" are able to be "forgiven" just because they go to church? I loved it when an old friend of mine who had a VERY checkered & eyebrow raising past, had the balls to tell me that I was going to hell because I didn't believe in God. Yet, she's going to Heaven, despite having done more drugs than a pharmacy, having a child out of wedlock, and the list goes on and on...yet, I'm going to hell? O-K. Or, my favorite...was when I was wearing a cross my mother had given me before she died, a woman complimented me on it and then asked me which church I went to. When I told her, nicely, "I'm not religious", she got rather indignant and started lecturing me as to why I had no business wearing a cross if I didn't believe in it. Excuse me? My MOTHER, who has passed away, wore this pendant. It's a piece of HER that I want to wear with me. I can go on and on and on about this...but it all boils down to: I'm not religious and I'd appreciate it if I wasn't lectured, Bible thumped, or when people tell me that they'll pray for my soul. Mkay? Thanks.

Politics: I'm a Republican. Shocker, hunh? I think our current President was elected for ALL the wrong reasons and he doesn't own up to a lot of things that he's doing. Playing the "blame game" after two years in office on a prior President is getting rather old. Overall, I'm looking forward to "change" in 2013.

Finances: I guess I should clarify this as personal finances. When there was a scare about our government being shut down, it freaked out the majority of the military community. Rightfully so. I was even concerned because I know quite a few first and second year Airmen who barely make any sort of money, with families, and live paycheck to paycheck. How would things work out for them? I wasn't worried about MY family since we're sitting fine and dandy due to a saving plan I started back in the day. Several people made comments by saying, in general to whoever it applied to, "It's your fault for not being prepared and not having money saved up". Well, it's easier said than done. Some people don't splurge on anything and have gobs of money saved up (good for you), while others can possibly be down on their luck, can't catch a break, and have one bill after another after another that can deplete their account. Hell, it's happened to me a few times, but I bounced back and got my act together. But to sit there and kick someone when they're already down..that's horrible and quite tacky. Money is a sensitive issue as is, so that whole event kicked peoples emotions into over drive...and after watching peoples reactions this past week, it makes me look at some of them differently. The term, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" comes to mind.

That's it for my soapbox.


Kaysie said...

Amen sister! (no pun intended, ha! ;)) I am religious but I feel everyone has a right to their own beliefs, or non-beliefs. I am Republican and proud of it! So is Kevin. You should hear him yell at the TV when he's watching politics. I could not agree with you more about the finances thing (as you know). :)