Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sneezy Wheezy Beautiful Pollen Girl

It's officially spring time here in lovely Belgium. The birds are singing, the sun is (was) shining, the temperature has been rather enjoyable. So, what does that mean aside from being able to rock some flip flops and wear capris? 

The flowers come into bloom.

For anyone who suffers from allergies, in all honestly, you'd probably die here in the spring. Especially those who have serious problems with pollen. Sure, you can take all sorts of medicines and what not, but I don't think you're understanding the severity of what I'm talking about. So, to help give you an idea, I took a picture of my Xterra for your viewing pleasure:

That's not dirt on the hood...that's pollen.

When I was looking at my windshield, there was this nice, thick layer all over it. I hopped in the truck, turned on the windshield wipers and I was AMAZED at all the junk that was swished around. 

My whole truck looks fuzzy!

This all accumulated over about a two day period. Freaking ridiculous! I was at my friends house the other day and while we were sitting in her dining room (it looked out into the backyard), you could see TONS of pollen flying through the air with Dandy-Lion puffs floating around. It was kinda crazy since it looked like springs version of snow. 

Mother Nature must've felt a little bad for dirtying up my wheels because she kinda said sorry by raining today. So, most of the pollen washed off except for a few spots..but hey, at least my truck doesn't look like a new spring chick!


Unknown said...

OMG Brian would die. Poor thing is having such a hard time with his allergies right now, I can't imagine him there....