Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 4 is done-so!

Weighed in this morning and I'm down just two ounces shy of two pounds :) To be honest, I'm rather surprised I lost anything since Mother Nature has been wreaking havoc on me all week (sorry if that's TMI). Between my knee being rather screwed up from attempting to run, and seriously painful cramps, I haven't wanted to really do jack shit. If you're a woman reading this, I'm sure you can sympathize, lol. 

Eric and I made our way over to the gym this morning to get some cardio and weights in since I really need to start focusing on toning up. As much as I want to just lose weight and all that mess, I know I need to do weights, otherwise, I'll look like a Sharpe' by the time I hit my goal weight. SEEEXY! 

Here's what I managed to do:

Elliptical: 30 minutes on "Cardio" setting; 2.11 miles and burned 395 calories
Pull Over machine: 3 sets of 10 with 45lbs
Arm Extension machine: 3 sets of 10 with 30lbs
Arm Curl machine: 3 sets of 10 with 30lbs

It doesn't seem like much, but my arms are already killin' me and I know I'll pay dearly for it tomorrow, lol. Oh well, I gotta get in the habit of working on my upper body, mid section especially, and my legs. Eric actually threatened to make me work with the tractor tire that's just outside of the gym (it weighs like 100+ pounds)...nooooo thanks...LOL

I don't think I'll be posting a Week 4 tomorrow. I'm feeling lazy and it's gorgeous outside right I rather be out there soaking up some Vitamin D. Who knows when we'll get some sun again, lol. 

On that note, PEACE!