Monday, March 21, 2011

Antique Pillaging

'Tis that time again where bored housewives descend upon the lovely antique warehouse that is "Slegers-Heise". I've posted about them a few times before, but I really never get tired of this place..especially since you can look at some amazing furniture and day dream about how you'll decorate your castle off in Never Never Land. 

Myself and a couple of other gals rolled over there to see what kind of goodies we could score. One of them was just there on Thursday and managed to find a really cool "baguette trog", which is what I've been looking for..actually, for quite some time now. 

The one I wanted is the thin lil guy in the back of the wire sifter; picture acquired from Barb

After seeing her post a picture of the one she found, I was pretty much on a mission to find one for myself.

We get inside and we head right up to the "stall" where they usually have the trogs and other random cool / vintage junk and doodads. Is it bad that when we passed some of the employee's, they kinda giggled? It's like "Oh look, the Americans are back to buy money money!". They pretty much know whenever there's a little herd of us, we're bound to leave with SOMETHING. It's so true. I think the main reason why we always leave with something is because the group of gals that normally shop there are a bunch of enablers. "Oh that will look GREAT in your house!" or "That's SO you!"...I think it's a competition to see who can sway someone the most to get if it's shopping vicariously through others. I'm on to you!! 

Once we get to the stall, we poke around and they end up hitting the jackpot with a few trogs (in case you're a little confused about what a trog is, here you go) , in addition to me finding a longer version of the baguette trog. After doing some searching, browsing and thinking about it...I ended up putting that back since I found something WAY cooler! Not to mention, I only brought 30€  ($42.50) with me, so I really had to "pick & choose" what I wanted to bring home. 

Here's the "WAY cooler" thing I found:

It's an iron scale! The plate and the bowl are made out of brass, and you can see that the arms are made out of hammered iron. It's very cool, although rather heavy.

You can tell that someone sprayed some sort of black paint on it..possibly to cover up some rust (there's chunks of paint missing from some of the corners that reveal the undercoat) and I thought it was pretty cool that it had "regal lions" with the brand seal on the base:

That's all I left with! YAY ME! When Eric came home, he was expecting a little treasure trove of goodies, but I think he was even caught off guard that all I had was the scale. Then again, it took my entire 30€, but I'm OK with that! I'm looking forward to some custom wood fruit that I bought from Etsy to come in, so now I'm torn between putting those in my trog, or now on the scale! Oi! Choices choices!