Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baby Steps

Alrighty, as mentioned in my video blog, Eric and I have wiped out our refrigerator of all the crappy junk food and switched everything out with fresh fruits, veggies and meats. Yesterday was our first day kicking off our altered food schedule, and thankfully, it went well. I'm saying it "like that" since I was fully anticipating to deal with a seriously nasty sugar withdraw migraine. It's safe to say everyone has experienced something like that at some point or another whether it's from lack of sugar, caffeine or even carbs...they're a BITCH! 

So far, so good! The first week is usually the hardest, but I'm mentally set to take this on and hammer it out.This is pretty much how my day went (each meal was about two hours apart):

Breakfast - two hard boiled egg whites, small amount of freshly made salsa, and half a cup of oatmeal.
Morning snack - two ounces of chicken, half a cup of strawberries

Lunch - two ounces of Mahi Mahi , half a cup of red potato and one cup of brussel sprouts

Afternoon snack - two ounces of chicken, half a cup of strawberries
Dinner - two ounces of Mahi Mahi, half a cup of red potato, small amount of freshly made salsa, and a cup of brussel sprouts. 

It may seem like it's not all that much in terms of portion size, but seriously, it was a lot of food. By feeding your body all day, you're giving it constant fuel. In addition to all the food, I drank water throughout the day. Good grief... three liters worth!! I know I'll eventually get used to drinking that much, but I don't like having to go to the bathroom every fifteen minutes! I'm planning on driving to Poland next month and I really don't want to have to pull over that often! 

Since I'm cooking everything fresh, cutting out a lot of salty seasonings / sauces and such, I needed to go through my spice collection to figure out what I can use in order to NOT have bland chicken / fish / pork. Luckily, my Pampered Chef spices get the "thumbs up" in addition to some of my Tastefully Simple spices. Thing is, they're ALL crammed into my cupboard and it was rather annoying to search for 'em, so, I pulled out a Spice Turn About that I happened to have. I originally bought it to sell at a Spring Bazaar that's going to be happening sometime after April, but honestly, I need to use this thing. Luckily, it fits my PC, TS and McCormick spices AND doesn't take up much room on my counter top!! YAYNESS!! 

It spins (duh) and it actually has a retractable handle on it so if I need to pick it up and move it somewhere else in the kitchen, I just grab the ring, the handle pops up and we're good to go! 

So, all my spices are officially taken care of. Eric and I spent a good part of the afternoon yesterday pre-cooking all our food (he's on board with this whole thing as well), so, everything is pre-made, in a sense, for the upcoming week. 

I ended up joining a site, , to keep track of the amount of walking I'm going to be doing. I mean, I'll eventually get to the point where I can jog and run, but, I gotta do this in baby steps. Especially since I have a crappy back and my right knee is rather jacked. Once I get into the swing of things, I'm planning on doing the C25k (Couch to 5k) program to help with my stamina. That way, I'll eventually get to running :)


Anonymous said...

Good job Girly!! I've done the couch to 5k program and it's awesome. My only reccomendation is to sign up for a race. That way you stick to it. I don't know how accesible races are in your neck in the woods but it is worth a try. I cant wait to read along about your journey. Also some of my favorite websites are she is a registered dietician and posts about what she eats every day for every meal, crazy right?? I also read same concept as katheats but she isn't an rd. Good luck!! Can't wait to see your next vblog :)

Teddi said...

Sounds like you have a great game plan to starting a healthier lifestyle! It will be hard at times, but I know you can do it! Way to go girl!