Sunday, March 13, 2011

Run, Forrest! RUN!


 Just got back from the gym (don't worry, I showered) and I'm feeling really good! We didn't end up making it to the gym yesterday since we waited all day for our landlords brother to grace us with his presence since he needed to work on our furnace. Annnnnd he never showed up, so I'm assuming he forgot about the appointment he told us (not asked) we had to have with him....ahem...


Woke up, got some breakfast in us then made our way over to the gym. While I was going to do my hamster bit on the treadmill, Eric was going to do some circuit training after a small cardio warm-up for himself. We stretched out and I hopped onto the treadmill..then Eric comes over and starts messing with the controls for my initial set up. In my mind, I was just going to do a manual setting for my walk/run for thirty minutes and go from there...Eric on the other hand, set up my session for the "Hills" setting, on level 6, lol. It really wasn't all that bad till I was actually running when the Cto5K program told me to..then it felt like murder!

After all was said and done, I managed to walk/jog/run a mile and a half within thirty minutes!! That's really not too bad considering I am NOT into jogging / running. At all! In all honesty, the Couch to 5K program works pretty well; it gives you a 5 minute warm up, then has you run for a minute, then slows you down to a walk for a minute and a on and so forth. 

If you happened to watch my rambling video blog from yesterday, I tried to show you the screen from the Couch to 5K program, but here's a nice screen shot of it for ya...VERY user friendly! 

So yea, all in all, the run went well :) I know I'll be hurting tomorrow, but hopefully it won't be too bad. Plus since the weather is getting a little better, I should be able to start practicing outside more in addition to riding Scoots to the gym.

Now...time to go relax!!