Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oatmeal Pancakes...Say WHAT?

As I've mentioned in a few of my video blogs, I've changed my eating habits and have focused a lot of getting rid of stuff that bogs my system down. I end up eating six small meals a day, each one containing about two ounces of protein (chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, etc), my lunch and dinner have a cup of veggies and half a cup of carb. My snacks are two ounces of protein and half a cup of fruit..so, I'm always feeding "the machine".
Ever since I started, I was alright with having egg whites for breakfast by normally boiling eggs, then having some salsa with 'em and a small side of red potatoes. Honestly, that got old. I'm NOT a fan of white eggs, and masking them in salsa only helped a little bit. So, I proceeded to do some research through some sites to get some idea's as to what else I could make that would fit within the guidelines of my eating specifications (I can't eat flour, and almond flour isn't readily available here). Then, I found "Oatmeal Pancakes". To be honest, the first time I made 'em was a total flop..but after tweeking it a little bit, they're awesome now AND Eric enjoys them. THAT says a lot!

Here's the ingredients:

* ½ cup ground oats, ground in food processor or blender
* 1/3 cup water
* 1 tablespoon Splenda
* ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1½ teaspoons maple extract (OR almond, or even orange)
* 2 egg whites

Luckily, I have my Manual Food Processor so I was able to grind up the oatmeal. 

I don't have an electrical one since the one we DID have is currently in storage (110v) and I wasn't willing to buy a 220v one..wouldn't use it enough! So, I put in a good amount of oatmeal into the processor since I figured once you grind it down, it'll make the amount decrease (which it did). Here's how fine I was able to get it:

I mix everything together (although I throw the oatmeal in last), and it looks like this:

Yeah, it doesn't look all that appealing. I agree. But, it actually comes out pretty well. BY THE WAY, this is enough batter to make TWO pancakes, not one huge one! Like any regular pancake, it's ready to flip when there's bubbles popping on the top and test the sides...if you flip it too early, it'll be a oatmeal smushy mess. NOT appetizing at all. A couple of spritzes of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" do the trick in terms of adding a lil bit of flavor as well as a lil sprinkle of Splenda on top. By all means, top it off with some berries (blueberries or raspberries)..bam! You're done!

I end up killing two birds with one stone by having these; my two ounces of protein and my half cup of carbs. Freaking yum! AND, these help give me some extra energy right before I go on my Couch To 5k run!


Team Hayes said...

SOLD! On the pancakes and the food processor! :)

Erika said...

LOL! When I first read the recipe, I was really skeptical about it because, let's be honest, the things that taste the best are the worst for us. I'm so used to making hefty lumber jack style pancakes..converting to something else is hard for me! But, these pancakes definitely help with my "normal" cravings since I end up making regular pancakes for John.

Like I told ya before, I'm inlove with my MFP. That thing has made it words easier when I prep things or puree stuff. :)