Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spiteful Exercise Fairy

I'm a huge believer in Karma. Huge.

Since the Gemeente House (our local town hall) is closed on Mondays, I told Eric last night that I'd head over there today to take care of our container park card. The container park is where we can take all of our recyclables and junk if we can't wait for the local trash pick up, which happens every two weeks. Seeing how we just went through our whole garage to clean out crap, we have a lot that needs to get tossed and the majority of the stuff HAS to go to the container park. Le Sigh.

When I woke up this morning, I thought to myself, "Ya know what. I'll just walk there since it'll be good for me". Apparently the Exercise Fairy heard me and did everything in it's power to enforce my internal idea. Thanks!

I was being a bit of a bum and not exactly motivated to go anywhere, but I checked the hours on the town halls website cause I know they have funky hours. Good thing I did because they're only open from 9-12 today! Ekk! So, I threw some clothes on and was just gonna hop in the truck to head down there.  

* Cue Exercise Fairy *

I plopped down into the drivers seat and turned the key...nothing happened except for that puttering noise your car makes when the engine won't turn over. Faaaaahbulous. I tried a little more, said sweet nothings to Big Blue in hopes she'd change her mind about being stubborn..but alas, no vroom vroom for me. 


I go over to the garage and pull out Scoots ...my Scooter, lol. I engaged the ignition, pumped the fuel line and was hoping to hear that magical purr that comes out of him...alas..no purr. Not even a sputter. I even pumped the crap out of the manual kick start and no vroom vroom from him, either. 


I stood there for a minute then looked into the garage...DING! There's my Belgian bike aka "The Blief Bike"! I pulled her out of the garage to realize her tires are completely flat...agh! FML FML FML!! When Eric and I were cleaning the garage, I remember finding the bike pump for it and setting it aside, so luckily it wasn't too hard to get that set up and going. Pumped up the bike, checked the brakes and I was on my merry way.

The funny part about this whole thing, at least to me, is that the distance it took me to get to the freaking Gemeente house was the distance of listening to one song. In fact, I listened to "Born This Way". From the moment I left the driveway till when I parked my bike, that's how long it took me to get there. I was being such a lazy ass!  After I got the stuff taken care of with my card, I ended up taking a huge loop home so I did just a little under three miles on the bike.

So, yes. I got my exercise in today. Thanks Exercise Fairy for effing up my rides! Now I gotta get a new battery for my car and figure out WTF is wrong with Scoots....grrr....

Moral of the story : If you even think you're gonna exercise, just do it. Otherwise, the Exercise Fairy will screw up your shit in order for you to follow through!


Team Hayes said...

Haha. The exercise fairy can't get me if I have nothing to do all day! It's the laundry fairy that I am terrified of. ;)

When the van won't start, all I have to do is call Brad and it starts...then it makes me look dumb, like I was doing something wrong.

I hope the Xterra and the scooter get fixed without too big of an investment, but also that you keep air in the bike tires for future enjoyment. ;)

Unknown said...

Amy: You crack me up girl :) Thanks for the laugh.

Erika: LMAO!! I'm sorry but that was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s....tee hee...I'm glad that you got your pedal on and got your sweat for the day :) I wanna walk there when I visit....mmmkay?

I hope that the Xterra and Scoots are just PMSing and it doesn't cost anything to fix :)


PS...tex me I have a question about how to make that damn cartoon of myself :)