Sunday, March 13, 2011


In case you don't know, we own A LOT of movies. I mean, A LOT. In addition to all the movies, we have a lot of video games (mainly the guys). 

When we moved here, our Best Buy DVD cases kind of took a pounding, to say the least. They did their job, for the most part, but if you happened to have bumped 'em just right, they'd lean and eventually fall over with 200+ movies (we own about 600 at this point). REALLY not safe and definitely an inconvenience since I'm the one that usually picks 'em up.Anyway, I was on the hunt to find something to replace those cases since I wasn't willing to risk any more "dominoes" falling since I didn't want any of us or the dogs to get hurt. 

Turns out, a gal here is PCSing and she was looking to get rid of one of her wardrobes. I dunno if you remember the wardrobe I posted about around a year or so ago that we got from Germany, but we absolutely LOVE it! So, I figured I'd go check out the one she was selling (luckily, it was local) to see if it'd be something I could work with. OH my gosh! I instantly fell IN LOVE when I laid my eyes on it! Its got carved designs in each of the doors, has the same layout as the other wardrobe we have and it was available for a FANTASTIC price! €80!! With the conversion rate, that comes to roughly $110! SWEET! I snatched it up and arranged for Eric and I to pick it up later in the week since we'd need to use my Xterra in addition to his pick up truck. It's a little dinged up "here" and "there", but it kinda gives it some personality. Besides, I can always fix it up later when we're finished with moving around! The cool thing about these wardrobes is that they break down easily so transport is a breeze. We managed to get it all set up yesterday in the living room (yay!!!) and got the rickety DVD cases outta there!

 Here's the wardrobe I picked up:

Like I said, we have a lot of video games. There's three drawers on the bottom of the wardrobe (score!) and I managed to separate the games into the appropriate sections. The far drawer to the right is all of Eric & Johns games, the middle drawer has my games and the drawer on the left are all of the old xbox games, PSP, PS3 and Nintendo DS cases. Makes me kinda sad when I look at this picture cause it's a lot of money sitting in those drawers..ughh...

After moving all the DVD's into their new home, turns out there was one whole side of the wardrobe that wasn't used! YAYNESS!! I'll be using that for my Pampered Chef inventory which I currently have on hand since I've been squirreling some away for an upcoming Spring Bazaar I'll be selling stuff at. Once that comes and wipes out my stuff, I'll just convert it over for jackets and other hanging goodies :)


Teddi said...

That is a gorgeous wardrobe! What a steal! And it looks like it fits perfectly where you have it!

Unknown said...

love, love, love, love, love