Sunday, October 19, 2008

Days Go By

Today's one of those days where you just sit, relax, and enjoy the lazy day. Here I sit with two of my weenie dogs passed out on me and it makes me think how simple life is for them. Honestly, it really is. Wake up, eat, sleep, play, sleep some more... I wish my life was so simple, lol. I just love these little guys because they love us unconditionally. No matter how rough your day is, your pet knows how to make everything better whether it's a simple thump thump of their tail, or them scaling the couch just to sit on your lap and snuggle with you. I appreciate my dogs because they make me want to be the person they think I am :)

Earlier this morning, Eric and I flopped on our bed just taking in some of the down time we finally had. John had a friend over last night for a sleep over, so I've been making sure they have enough snacks / drinks / food that they might want. All the while, trying to keep the house in order so I don't have to invest an entire day to cleaning once again. As we were laying there, it dawned on me that he and I have been together for over 2 years now. It genuinely doesn't feel like we've been together for only 2 years... feels like a lot longer. IN A GOOD WAY! I couldn't imagine my life without Eric or John. Given the turn of events that have happened within the last 2 years, especially this last year, I'm so grateful for having them in my life. I could go on and on about them, but there really isn't enough ways for me to express my total appreciation for the simple things they do to enrich my life. So, as I laid on the bed and gazed at Eric, I just thought of all the things he's done for me and how much I truly adore him and his genuine, loving nature.

Ok, I think that's enough gushy stuff out of me for one day :)